The Angels Of The Chosen Ones [HALO]

Profile Upload Instructions :

In order to create your profile page you need to upload some text (character descriptions) and several photos (character photos) so that your profile can be complete. An example profile has been created for Nemida although it is very simple and incomplete.

Note: If you wish to add your profile you need to be an officer. Maybe someday when we have a team dedicated to maintaining the site it will be available to all but currently its just me (Teona Phulus).

Send an E-mail to the address below with the following items.


1) The name of your main character (this will be the name of your profile page).

2) A short description of your account, what you do/enjoy most in Guild Wars, which campaigns you play in and any other general information about your account.

3) The name of maximum three other chars you wish to include (in the order you want them).

4) After all 4 char's names provide a short character description of its 2 professions, its level, what kind of build it is and what you use it for.

5) Provide pictures of each of your chars and attach them to the e-mail. Use the prt-screen button to create it and try to use your brain to guess how big the picture should be (full body pics are best).

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