School Survival
Job Hunting

Writing Your Resume

The Cover Letter: This is just a letter used to introduce your resume. It serves the purpose of showing the employer that you meet the requirements for the job, so list the facts. Avoid negatives, be original and personalize it.

Criterea: Be sure to include categories in your resume; such as objective, skills and experience, qualifications, refrences and ontact information. State your information clearly and down to the point, and don't forget to highlight your strengths.

Searching For A Job

Keep Your Eyes Peeled: When you're walking around town, look for "Help Wanted" or "Now Hiring" signs. This is a great way to show initiative by inquiring in person to the employer.

Newspapers: Reading the newspaper is a great way to get involved, and to find job listings. The print is small, but look closely enough, and you could find some nice jobs.

Online: There are tons of job search engines on the internet that help you find job listings. jobspress.com

Preparing For An Interview

Research the Company: It is important that you know and understand the products and/or services they provide, as well as the company's goal for future projects. This is so you can demonstrate your contributuion to the company as it grows.

Plan a Schedule: Be sure to be around 10 or 15 minutes early for your interview. This ensures that you cannot be late, and gives an excellent first impression.

Dress Appropriately: Avoid wearing a pair of sweats or anything revealing. You want to look clean, and presentable. Like the old saying "dress to impress".

Rehearse: Know what you are going to say in your interview. Nothing's worse than answering a question with "I don't know", so try some practice questions beforehand that would be asked at an interview.



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