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keywords.pl - Hosted on DriveHQ Cloud IT Platform
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Ruta de la carpeta: \\LITTLELEV\ImageFolioLite\admin\keywords.pl
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|; $keyfilefound = 1; last; } } if (!$keyfilefound) { $keyform = qq||; } $keyform .=qq||; # THIS IS THE NEW SECTION FOR ADDING THUMBNAIL CAPTIONS $keyform .=qq||; # END OF NEW SECTION $keyform .= qq|
<$admin_font color=red>Error: The entry for $image was not found in the Image Index (index.txt). Please rebuild the Image Index using build.cgi
<$admin_small_font>C A P T I O N (This is the old ImageFolio caption system. Please use IPTC instead)
<$admin_small_font>T H U M B   C A P T I O N (This is the old ImageFolio keywords system. Please use IPTC instead)
|; } ############################################################################### # GET IMAGELIST # We read the directory selected in step one and pull out all of the images # in the directory and create a selection form ############################################################################### sub get_imagelist { $totalnames = 0; if ($image eq $file) { $selected = " selected"; } else { $selected = ""; } opendir(IMAGEDIR,"$image_directory/$category") or &Error ("Could not read directory, $image_directory/$category. Reason: $!"); $imagelist .= qq||; unless ($totalnames >= 1) { &Error ("The category '$category' does not contain any images."); } } 1;
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