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imageThumb.pl - Hosted on DriveHQ Cloud IT Platform
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Ruta de la carpeta: \\LITTLELEV\ImageFolioLite\main\imageThumb.pl
############################################################################### # BizDesign ImageFolio Lite Edition 4.2 (Four-dot-Two) ############################################################################### # # ## ### VERSION : 4.2 # #### ## ## RELEASED ON : 02/15/2007 # ## ## ## LAST MODIFIED : 02/15/2007 # ########## ## # ## ### ## # ## ### ######## # ############################################################################### # Released by BizDesign, Inc. # written by Dirk Koppers and Greg Raaum of BizDesign # # Purchasing : http://imagefolio.com/purchase/ # Support : http://imagefolio.com/support/ # Phone : (214) 642-9787 # Email : sales@bizdesign.com ############################################################################### # COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE INFORMATION : # # Copyright (c) 1999-2007 BizDesign, Inc. All rights reserved. # # Selling or distributing the code for this program without prior written # consent is expressly forbidden. # # One licensed copy of the program may reside on a single server, in use by a # single domain. For each installed instance of the program, a separate # license is required. # # Licensed users may alter or modify this software, at their own risk, of # course. They may also hire others to modify their own copy of the code, as # long as the code is not transferred to or retained by the individual who is # hired (unless he/she is also a license holder). Although license-holders # may modify the code for their use, modified code may NOT be resold or # distributed. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, # INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL BIZDESIGN, # INC. OR ITS CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, # SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, # PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR # BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER # IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) # ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # # BizDesign, Inc. is not liable for any conduct associated with image gallery # activity, nor for any binary media posted using this program, including but # not imited to images, photographs, movies, and clipart. # # The user must assume the entire risk of using the program. Although this # program has been thoroughly tested on BizDesign's servers, BizDesign does not # warrant that it works on all servers and will not be held liable for anything, # including but not limited to, misusage, error, or loss of data. ANY # LIABILITY OF THE SELLER WILL BE LIMITED EXCLUSIVELY TO PRODUCT REPLACEMENT # OR REFUND OF PURCHASE PRICE. Use at your own risk! ############################################################################### # Do not modify below this line unless you know what you are doing. ############################################################################### require "$currdir/if_lib/init.pl"; if ($FORM{'skin'} && ($config_skin_name ne $FORM{'skin'}) && -e "$base_skin_dir/$FORM{'skin'}/config_skin.pl") { $skin_dir = $base_skin_dir . "/" . $FORM{'skin'}; $skin_url = $base_skin_url . "/" . $FORM{'skin'}; require "$skin_dir/config_skin.pl"; } $numtolist = $columns * $rows; $no_preview_link = (); $download_link_under_thumbnail = (); $using_lightbox_mod = (); if ($using_lightbox_mod) { &lb_jscript; } require "$libpath/thumbnails.pl"; ⊤ ############################################################################### # TOP ############################################################################### sub top { $| = 1; # flush output $allow_free_access = 1; # Really inportant to include in imageThumb.cgi ! $imageThumb_cgi = 1; $new_date = 999; if ($FORM{'direct'}) { $FORM{'cat'} = $FORM{'direct'}; if (!-d "$image_directory/$FORM{'direct'}") { &Error("The category \"$FORM{'direct'}\" is not valid!"); } } if ($FORM{'thumbnail'}) { if (!$FORM{'direct'}) { &Error("You need to specify the category of the thumbnail \"$FORM{'thumbnail'}\""); } elsif ($FORM{'thumbnail'} != /$mypattern/) { &Error("\"$FORM{'thumbnail'}\" is not a thumbnail!"); } elsif (!-e "$image_directory/$FORM{'direct'}/$FORM{'thumbnail'}") { &Error("The thumbnail \"$FORM{'thumbnail'}\" in category \"$FORM{'direct'}\" could not be found!"); } else { $name = "$FORM{'thumbnail'}"; $path = "$FORM{'direct'}"; $found = 1; } } else { if ($FORM{'search'} eq "NEW") { $sortfiles = 1; $cache_sort = 1; } elsif ($FORM{'search'} eq "HITS") { $sortfiles = 1; $cache_sort = 3; } elsif ($FORM{'search'} eq "RATES") { $sortfiles = 1; $cache_sort = 4; } elsif ($FORM{'search'} eq "RANDOM") { $sortfiles = 5; $cache_sort = 5; } elsif ($FORM{'sort'} =~ /\d/) { $sortfiles = $FORM{'sort'}; $cache_sort = $FORM{'sort'}; } else { $sortfiles = 5; $cache_sort = 5; if (!$FORM{'search'}) { $FORM{'search'} = "RANDOM"; } } if ($FORM{'show_tn'} =~ /\d/) { $show_tn = $FORM{'show_tn'}; } else { $show_tn = 1; } $cachefilename = "thumb~$FORM{'search'}~sort$cache_sort~show_tn$show_tn"; $cachefilename .= "~$FORM{'direct'}" if $FORM{'direct'}; $cachefilename =~ s/[^0-9a-zA-Z\_]/~/g; $cacheloc = "$cache_directory/searches/$cachefilename"; if (-e "$cacheloc") { if (-M "$cacheloc" <= $cache_date) { &open_cache; } else { &new_thumb_search; } } else { &new_thumb_search; } } push(@names, $name); $thumb_search = $FORM{'search'}; $FORM{'search'} = (); $FORM{'direct'} = (); &build_thumbnail_table; if ($FORM{'bgcolor'}) { $iframe_bg = qq| bgcolor="#$FORM{'bgcolor'}"|; } if ($FORM{'title'}) { $iframe_title = qq|
|; } if ($found) { $imagethumb = qq| $if_javascript
|; } elsif ($FORM{'forum'} && ($thumb_search =~ /^USER~/)) { $imagethumb = qq|
<$font>Go ahead and try this out. Sign in
with your forum username/password and upload something.
|; } else { $imagethumb = qq|
No File Found
|; } print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; print "$imagethumb"; } sub new_thumb_search { @search = split(/\s+/, $FORM{'search'}); require "$libpath/search.pl"; if ($FORM{'search'} =~ /^USER~/) { ($blah, $search_user) = split(/~/, $FORM{'search'}); } $FORM{'bool'} = "and"; &search_index; if ($found) { if ($show_tn > @names) { $show_tn = @names; } ($name,$path,$filedate,$hits,$votes) = split(/\|/, @names[$show_tn-1]); @names = (); if ($sortfiles != 5) { open (CACHE,">$cacheloc"); print CACHE "blah|$name|$path|$filedate|$hits|$votes|\n"; close(CACHE); chmod(0666,"$cacheloc"); } } } sub open_cache { open (FILE,"$cacheloc") or &Error("Can't Open $cacheloc, is it created?: $!"); my(@LINES)=
; close(FILE); if ($sortfiles == 5) { $NEWINDEXSIZE = @LINES; $show_tn = int(rand($NEWINDEXSIZE)); } else { $show_tn = 1; #the correct tn is now cached } ($blah,$name,$path,$filedate,$hits,$votes) = split(/\|/, $LINES[$show_tn-1]); if ($name) { $found = 1; } } ############################################################################### # Error # shows error message if form not filled out correctly ############################################################################### sub ErrorOLD{ print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; local ($whoops) = @_; print qq|
If the button below does not take you back, please use your browser's back button to go back and try again.
|; exit; } 1;
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