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OgreCompositionPass.h - Hosted on DriveHQ Cloud IT Platform
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Ruta de la carpeta: \\game3dprogramming\materials\GameFactory\GameFactoryDemo\references\ogre\include\OgreCompositionPass.h
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This source file is part of OGRE (Object-oriented Graphics Rendering Engine) For the latest info, see http://www.ogre3d.org/ Copyright (c) 2000-2006 Torus Knot Software Ltd Also see acknowledgements in Readme.html This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA, or go to http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.txt. You may alternatively use this source under the terms of a specific version of the OGRE Unrestricted License provided you have obtained such a license from Torus Knot Software Ltd. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #ifndef __CompositionPass_H__ #define __CompositionPass_H__ #include "OgrePrerequisites.h" #include "OgreMaterial.h" #include "OgreRenderSystem.h" #include "OgreRenderQueue.h" namespace Ogre { /** Object representing one pass or operation in a composition sequence. This provides a method to conviently interleave RenderSystem commands between Render Queues. */ class _OgreExport CompositionPass { public: CompositionPass(CompositionTargetPass *parent); ~CompositionPass(); /** Enumeration that enumerates the various composition pass types. */ enum PassType { PT_CLEAR, // Clear target to one colour PT_STENCIL, // Set stencil operation PT_RENDERSCENE, // Render the scene or part of it PT_RENDERQUAD // Render a full screen quad }; /** Set the type of composition pass */ void setType(PassType type); /** Get the type of composition pass */ PassType getType() const; /** Set an identifier for this pass. This identifier can be used to "listen in" on this pass with an CompositorInstance::Listener. */ void setIdentifier(uint32 id); /** Get the identifier for this pass */ uint32 getIdentifier() const; /** Set the material used by this pass @note applies when PassType is RENDERQUAD */ void setMaterial(const MaterialPtr& mat); /** Set the material used by this pass @note applies when PassType is RENDERQUAD */ void setMaterialName(const String &name); /** Get the material used by this pass @note applies when PassType is RENDERQUAD */ const MaterialPtr& getMaterial() const; /** Set the first render queue to be rendered in this pass (inclusive) @note applies when PassType is RENDERSCENE */ void setFirstRenderQueue(uint8 id); /** Get the first render queue to be rendered in this pass (inclusive) @note applies when PassType is RENDERSCENE */ uint8 getFirstRenderQueue(); /** Set the last render queue to be rendered in this pass (inclusive) @note applies when PassType is RENDERSCENE */ void setLastRenderQueue(uint8 id); /** Get the last render queue to be rendered in this pass (inclusive) @note applies when PassType is RENDERSCENE */ uint8 getLastRenderQueue(); /** Would be nice to have for RENDERSCENE: flags to: exclude transparents override material (at least -- color) */ /** Set the viewport clear buffers (defaults to FBT_COLOUR|FBT_DEPTH) @param val is a combination of FBT_COLOUR, FBT_DEPTH, FBT_STENCIL. @note applies when PassType is CLEAR */ void setClearBuffers(uint32 val); /** Get the viewport clear buffers. @note applies when PassType is CLEAR */ uint32 getClearBuffers(); /** Set the viewport clear colour (defaults to 0,0,0,0) @note applies when PassType is CLEAR */ void setClearColour(ColourValue val); /** Get the viewport clear colour (defaults to 0,0,0,0) @note applies when PassType is CLEAR */ const ColourValue &getClearColour(); /** Set the viewport clear depth (defaults to 1.0) @note applies when PassType is CLEAR */ void setClearDepth(Real depth); /** Get the viewport clear depth (defaults to 1.0) @note applies when PassType is CLEAR */ Real getClearDepth(); /** Set the viewport clear stencil value (defaults to 0) @note applies when PassType is CLEAR */ void setClearStencil(uint32 value); /** Get the viewport clear stencil value (defaults to 0) @note applies when PassType is CLEAR */ uint32 getClearStencil(); /** Set stencil check on or off. @note applies when PassType is STENCIL */ void setStencilCheck(bool value); /** Get stencil check enable. @note applies when PassType is STENCIL */ bool getStencilCheck(); /** Set stencil compare function. @note applies when PassType is STENCIL */ void setStencilFunc(CompareFunction value); /** Get stencil compare function. @note applies when PassType is STENCIL */ CompareFunction getStencilFunc(); /** Set stencil reference value. @note applies when PassType is STENCIL */ void setStencilRefValue(uint32 value); /** Get stencil reference value. @note applies when PassType is STENCIL */ uint32 getStencilRefValue(); /** Set stencil mask. @note applies when PassType is STENCIL */ void setStencilMask(uint32 value); /** Get stencil mask. @note applies when PassType is STENCIL */ uint32 getStencilMask(); /** Set stencil fail operation. @note applies when PassType is STENCIL */ void setStencilFailOp(StencilOperation value); /** Get stencil fail operation. @note applies when PassType is STENCIL */ StencilOperation getStencilFailOp(); /** Set stencil depth fail operation. @note applies when PassType is STENCIL */ void setStencilDepthFailOp(StencilOperation value); /** Get stencil depth fail operation. @note applies when PassType is STENCIL */ StencilOperation getStencilDepthFailOp(); /** Set stencil pass operation. @note applies when PassType is STENCIL */ void setStencilPassOp(StencilOperation value); /** Get stencil pass operation. @note applies when PassType is STENCIL */ StencilOperation getStencilPassOp(); /** Set two sided stencil operation. @note applies when PassType is STENCIL */ void setStencilTwoSidedOperation(bool value); /** Get two sided stencil operation. @note applies when PassType is STENCIL */ bool getStencilTwoSidedOperation(); /** Set an input local texture. An empty string clears the input. @param id Input to set. Must be in 0..OGRE_MAX_TEXTURE_LAYERS-1 @param input Which texture to bind to this input. An empty string clears the input. @note applies when PassType is RENDERQUAD */ void setInput(size_t id, const String &input=""); /** Get the value of an input. @param id Input to get. Must be in 0..OGRE_MAX_TEXTURE_LAYERS-1. @note applies when PassType is RENDERQUAD */ const String &getInput(size_t id); /** Get the number of inputs used. @note applies when PassType is RENDERQUAD */ size_t getNumInputs(); /** Clear all inputs. @note applies when PassType is RENDERQUAD */ void clearAllInputs(); /** Get parent object @note applies when PassType is RENDERQUAD */ CompositionTargetPass *getParent(); /** Determine if this target pass is supported on the current rendering device. */ bool _isSupported(void); private: /// Parent technique CompositionTargetPass *mParent; /// Type of composition pass PassType mType; /// Identifier for this pass uint32 mIdentifier; /// Material used for rendering MaterialPtr mMaterial; /// [first,last] render queue to render this pass (in case of PT_RENDERSCENE) uint8 mFirstRenderQueue; uint8 mLastRenderQueue; /// Clear buffers (in case of PT_CLEAR) uint32 mClearBuffers; /// Clear colour (in case of PT_CLEAR) ColourValue mClearColour; /// Clear depth (in case of PT_CLEAR) Real mClearDepth; /// Clear stencil value (in case of PT_CLEAR) uint32 mClearStencil; /// Inputs (for material used for rendering the quad) /// An empty string signifies that no input is used String mInputs[OGRE_MAX_TEXTURE_LAYERS]; /// Stencil operation parameters bool mStencilCheck; CompareFunction mStencilFunc; uint32 mStencilRefValue; uint32 mStencilMask; StencilOperation mStencilFailOp; StencilOperation mStencilDepthFailOp; StencilOperation mStencilPassOp; bool mStencilTwoSidedOperation; }; } #endif
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