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Ruta de la carpeta: \\game3dprogramming\materials\GameFactory\GameFactoryDemo\references\boost_1_35_0\boost\asio\error.hpp
// // error.hpp // ~~~~~~~~~ // // Copyright (c) 2003-2008 Christopher M. Kohlhoff (chris at kohlhoff dot com) // // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying // file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) // #ifndef BOOST_ASIO_ERROR_HPP #define BOOST_ASIO_ERROR_HPP #if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200) # pragma once #endif // defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200) #include
#if defined(GENERATING_DOCUMENTATION) /// INTERNAL ONLY. # define BOOST_ASIO_NATIVE_ERROR(e) implementation_defined /// INTERNAL ONLY. # define BOOST_ASIO_SOCKET_ERROR(e) implementation_defined /// INTERNAL ONLY. # define BOOST_ASIO_NETDB_ERROR(e) implementation_defined /// INTERNAL ONLY. # define BOOST_ASIO_GETADDRINFO_ERROR(e) implementation_defined /// INTERNAL ONLY. # define BOOST_ASIO_WIN_OR_POSIX(e_win, e_posix) implementation_defined #elif defined(BOOST_WINDOWS) || defined(__CYGWIN__) # define BOOST_ASIO_NATIVE_ERROR(e) e # define BOOST_ASIO_SOCKET_ERROR(e) WSA ## e # define BOOST_ASIO_NETDB_ERROR(e) WSA ## e # define BOOST_ASIO_GETADDRINFO_ERROR(e) WSA ## e # define BOOST_ASIO_WIN_OR_POSIX(e_win, e_posix) e_win #else # define BOOST_ASIO_NATIVE_ERROR(e) e # define BOOST_ASIO_SOCKET_ERROR(e) e # define BOOST_ASIO_NETDB_ERROR(e) e # define BOOST_ASIO_GETADDRINFO_ERROR(e) e # define BOOST_ASIO_WIN_OR_POSIX(e_win, e_posix) e_posix #endif namespace boost { namespace asio { namespace error { enum basic_errors { /// Permission denied. access_denied = BOOST_ASIO_SOCKET_ERROR(EACCES), /// Address family not supported by protocol. address_family_not_supported = BOOST_ASIO_SOCKET_ERROR(EAFNOSUPPORT), /// Address already in use. address_in_use = BOOST_ASIO_SOCKET_ERROR(EADDRINUSE), /// Transport endpoint is already connected. already_connected = BOOST_ASIO_SOCKET_ERROR(EISCONN), /// Operation already in progress. already_started = BOOST_ASIO_SOCKET_ERROR(EALREADY), /// Broken pipe. broken_pipe = BOOST_ASIO_WIN_OR_POSIX( BOOST_ASIO_NATIVE_ERROR(ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE), BOOST_ASIO_NATIVE_ERROR(EPIPE)), /// A connection has been aborted. connection_aborted = BOOST_ASIO_SOCKET_ERROR(ECONNABORTED), /// Connection refused. connection_refused = BOOST_ASIO_SOCKET_ERROR(ECONNREFUSED), /// Connection reset by peer. connection_reset = BOOST_ASIO_SOCKET_ERROR(ECONNRESET), /// Bad file descriptor. bad_descriptor = BOOST_ASIO_SOCKET_ERROR(EBADF), /// Bad address. fault = BOOST_ASIO_SOCKET_ERROR(EFAULT), /// No route to host. host_unreachable = BOOST_ASIO_SOCKET_ERROR(EHOSTUNREACH), /// Operation now in progress. in_progress = BOOST_ASIO_SOCKET_ERROR(EINPROGRESS), /// Interrupted system call. interrupted = BOOST_ASIO_SOCKET_ERROR(EINTR), /// Invalid argument. invalid_argument = BOOST_ASIO_SOCKET_ERROR(EINVAL), /// Message too long. message_size = BOOST_ASIO_SOCKET_ERROR(EMSGSIZE), /// Network is down. network_down = BOOST_ASIO_SOCKET_ERROR(ENETDOWN), /// Network dropped connection on reset. network_reset = BOOST_ASIO_SOCKET_ERROR(ENETRESET), /// Network is unreachable. network_unreachable = BOOST_ASIO_SOCKET_ERROR(ENETUNREACH), /// Too many open files. no_descriptors = BOOST_ASIO_SOCKET_ERROR(EMFILE), /// No buffer space available. no_buffer_space = BOOST_ASIO_SOCKET_ERROR(ENOBUFS), /// Cannot allocate memory. no_memory = BOOST_ASIO_WIN_OR_POSIX( BOOST_ASIO_NATIVE_ERROR(ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY), BOOST_ASIO_NATIVE_ERROR(ENOMEM)), /// Operation not permitted. no_permission = BOOST_ASIO_WIN_OR_POSIX( BOOST_ASIO_NATIVE_ERROR(ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED), BOOST_ASIO_NATIVE_ERROR(EPERM)), /// Protocol not available. no_protocol_option = BOOST_ASIO_SOCKET_ERROR(ENOPROTOOPT), /// Transport endpoint is not connected. not_connected = BOOST_ASIO_SOCKET_ERROR(ENOTCONN), /// Socket operation on non-socket. not_socket = BOOST_ASIO_SOCKET_ERROR(ENOTSOCK), /// Operation cancelled. operation_aborted = BOOST_ASIO_WIN_OR_POSIX( BOOST_ASIO_NATIVE_ERROR(ERROR_OPERATION_ABORTED), BOOST_ASIO_NATIVE_ERROR(ECANCELED)), /// Operation not supported. operation_not_supported = BOOST_ASIO_SOCKET_ERROR(EOPNOTSUPP), /// Cannot send after transport endpoint shutdown. shut_down = BOOST_ASIO_SOCKET_ERROR(ESHUTDOWN), /// Connection timed out. timed_out = BOOST_ASIO_SOCKET_ERROR(ETIMEDOUT), /// Resource temporarily unavailable. try_again = BOOST_ASIO_WIN_OR_POSIX( BOOST_ASIO_NATIVE_ERROR(ERROR_RETRY), BOOST_ASIO_NATIVE_ERROR(EAGAIN)), /// The socket is marked non-blocking and the requested operation would block. would_block = BOOST_ASIO_SOCKET_ERROR(EWOULDBLOCK) }; enum netdb_errors { /// Host not found (authoritative). host_not_found = BOOST_ASIO_NETDB_ERROR(HOST_NOT_FOUND), /// Host not found (non-authoritative). host_not_found_try_again = BOOST_ASIO_NETDB_ERROR(TRY_AGAIN), /// The query is valid but does not have associated address data. no_data = BOOST_ASIO_NETDB_ERROR(NO_DATA), /// A non-recoverable error occurred. no_recovery = BOOST_ASIO_NETDB_ERROR(NO_RECOVERY) }; enum addrinfo_errors { /// The service is not supported for the given socket type. service_not_found = BOOST_ASIO_WIN_OR_POSIX( BOOST_ASIO_NATIVE_ERROR(WSATYPE_NOT_FOUND), BOOST_ASIO_GETADDRINFO_ERROR(EAI_SERVICE)), /// The socket type is not supported. socket_type_not_supported = BOOST_ASIO_WIN_OR_POSIX( BOOST_ASIO_NATIVE_ERROR(WSAESOCKTNOSUPPORT), BOOST_ASIO_GETADDRINFO_ERROR(EAI_SOCKTYPE)) }; enum misc_errors { /// Already open. already_open = 1, /// End of file or stream. eof, /// Element not found. not_found, /// The descriptor cannot fit into the select system call's fd_set. fd_set_failure }; enum ssl_errors { }; inline const boost::system::error_category& get_system_category() { return boost::system::get_system_category(); } #if !defined(BOOST_WINDOWS) && !defined(__CYGWIN__) namespace detail { class netdb_category : public boost::system::error_category { public: const char* name() const { return "asio.netdb"; } std::string message(int value) const { if (value == error::host_not_found) return "Host not found (authoritative)"; if (value == error::host_not_found_try_again) return "Host not found (non-authoritative), try again later"; if (value == error::no_data) return "The query is valid, but it does not have associated data"; if (value == error::no_recovery) return "A non-recoverable error occurred during database lookup"; return "asio.netdb error"; } }; } // namespace detail inline const boost::system::error_category& get_netdb_category() { static detail::netdb_category instance; return instance; } namespace detail { class addrinfo_category : public boost::system::error_category { public: const char* name() const { return "asio.addrinfo"; } std::string message(int value) const { if (value == error::service_not_found) return "Service not found"; if (value == error::socket_type_not_supported) return "Socket type not supported"; return "asio.addrinfo error"; } }; } // namespace detail inline const boost::system::error_category& get_addrinfo_category() { static detail::addrinfo_category instance; return instance; } #else // !defined(BOOST_WINDOWS) && !defined(__CYGWIN__) inline const boost::system::error_category& get_netdb_category() { return get_system_category(); } inline const boost::system::error_category& get_addrinfo_category() { return get_system_category(); } #endif // !defined(BOOST_WINDOWS) && !defined(__CYGWIN__) namespace detail { class misc_category : public boost::system::error_category { public: const char* name() const { return "asio.misc"; } std::string message(int value) const { if (value == error::already_open) return "Already open"; if (value == error::eof) return "End of file"; if (value == error::not_found) return "Element not found"; if (value == error::fd_set_failure) return "The descriptor does not fit into the select call's fd_set"; return "asio.misc error"; } }; } // namespace detail inline const boost::system::error_category& get_misc_category() { static detail::misc_category instance; return instance; } namespace detail { class ssl_category : public boost::system::error_category { public: const char* name() const { return "asio.ssl"; } std::string message(int) const { return "asio.ssl error"; } }; } // namespace detail inline const boost::system::error_category& get_ssl_category() { static detail::ssl_category instance; return instance; } static const boost::system::error_category& system_category = boost::asio::error::get_system_category(); static const boost::system::error_category& netdb_category = boost::asio::error::get_netdb_category(); static const boost::system::error_category& addrinfo_category = boost::asio::error::get_addrinfo_category(); static const boost::system::error_category& misc_category = boost::asio::error::get_misc_category(); static const boost::system::error_category& ssl_category = boost::asio::error::get_ssl_category(); } // namespace error } // namespace asio namespace system { template<> struct is_error_code_enum
{ static const bool value = true; }; template<> struct is_error_code_enum
{ static const bool value = true; }; template<> struct is_error_code_enum
{ static const bool value = true; }; template<> struct is_error_code_enum
{ static const bool value = true; }; template<> struct is_error_code_enum
{ static const bool value = true; }; } // namespace system namespace asio { namespace error { inline boost::system::error_code make_error_code(basic_errors e) { return boost::system::error_code( static_cast
(e), get_system_category()); } inline boost::system::error_code make_error_code(netdb_errors e) { return boost::system::error_code( static_cast
(e), get_netdb_category()); } inline boost::system::error_code make_error_code(addrinfo_errors e) { return boost::system::error_code( static_cast
(e), get_addrinfo_category()); } inline boost::system::error_code make_error_code(misc_errors e) { return boost::system::error_code( static_cast
(e), get_misc_category()); } inline boost::system::error_code make_error_code(ssl_errors e) { return boost::system::error_code( static_cast
(e), get_ssl_category()); } } // namespace error } // namespace asio } // namespace boost #undef BOOST_ASIO_NATIVE_ERROR #undef BOOST_ASIO_SOCKET_ERROR #undef BOOST_ASIO_NETDB_ERROR #undef BOOST_ASIO_GETADDRINFO_ERROR #undef BOOST_ASIO_WIN_OR_POSIX #include
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