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code_converter.hpp - Hosted on DriveHQ Cloud IT Platform
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Ruta de la carpeta: \\game3dprogramming\materials\GameFactory\GameFactoryDemo\references\boost_1_35_0\boost\iostreams\code_converter.hpp
// (C) Copyright 2008 CodeRage, LLC (turkanis at coderage dot com) // (C) Copyright 2003-2007 Jonathan Turkanis // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying // file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt.) // See http://www.boost.org/libs/iostreams for documentation. // Contains machinery for performing code conversion. #ifndef BOOST_IOSTREAMS_CODE_CONVERTER_HPP_INCLUDED #define BOOST_IOSTREAMS_CODE_CONVERTER_HPP_INCLUDED #if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1020) # pragma once #endif #include
#if defined(BOOST_IOSTREAMS_NO_WIDE_STREAMS) || \ defined(BOOST_IOSTREAMS_NO_LOCALE) \ /**/ # error code conversion not supported on this platform #endif #include
// max. #include
// memcpy. #include
// default_filter_buffer_size. #include
// failure, openmode, int types. #include
// Must come last. #include
// Borland 5.x namespace boost { namespace iostreams { struct code_conversion_error : BOOST_IOSTREAMS_FAILURE { code_conversion_error() : BOOST_IOSTREAMS_FAILURE("code conversion error") { } }; namespace detail { //--------------Definition of strncpy_if_same---------------------------------// // Helper template for strncpy_if_same, below. template
struct strncpy_if_same_impl; template<> struct strncpy_if_same_impl
{ template
static Ch* copy(Ch* tgt, const Ch* src, std::streamsize n) { return BOOST_IOSTREAMS_CHAR_TRAITS(Ch)::copy(tgt, src, n); } }; template<> struct strncpy_if_same_impl
{ template
static Tgt* copy(Tgt* tgt, const Src*, std::streamsize) { return tgt; } }; template
Tgt* strncpy_if_same(Tgt* tgt, const Src* src, std::streamsize n) { typedef strncpy_if_same_impl
::value> impl; return impl::copy(tgt, src, n); } //--------------Definition of conversion_buffer-------------------------------// // Buffer and conversion state for reading. template
class conversion_buffer : public buffer< BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME detail::codecvt_extern
::type, Alloc > { public: typedef typename Codecvt::state_type state_type; conversion_buffer() : buffer< BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME detail::codecvt_extern
::type, Alloc >(0) { reset(); } state_type& state() { return state_; } void reset() { if (this->size()) this->set(0, 0); state_ = state_type(); } private: state_type state_; }; //--------------Definition of converter_impl----------------------------------// // Contains member data, open/is_open/close and buffer management functions. template
struct code_converter_impl { typedef typename codecvt_extern
::type extern_type; typedef typename category_of
::type device_category; typedef is_convertible
can_read; typedef is_convertible
can_write; typedef is_convertible
is_bidir; typedef typename iostreams::select< // Disambiguation for Tru64. is_bidir, bidirectional, can_read, input, can_write, output >::type mode; typedef typename mpl::if_< is_direct
, direct_adapter
, Device >::type policy_type; typedef optional< concept_adapter
> storage_type; typedef is_convertible
is_double; typedef conversion_buffer
buffer_type; code_converter_impl() : cvt_(), flags_(0) { } ~code_converter_impl() { try { if (flags_ & f_open) close(); } catch (...) { /* */ } } void open(const Device& dev, int buffer_size) { if (flags_ & f_open) throw BOOST_IOSTREAMS_FAILURE("already open"); if (buffer_size == -1) buffer_size = default_filter_buffer_size; int max_length = cvt_.get().max_length(); buffer_size = (std::max)(buffer_size, 2 * max_length); if (can_read::value) { buf_.first().resize(buffer_size); buf_.first().set(0, 0); } if (can_write::value && !is_double::value) { buf_.second().resize(buffer_size); buf_.second().set(0, 0); } dev_.reset(concept_adapter
(dev)); flags_ = f_open; } void close() { detail::execute_all( detail::call_member_close(*this, BOOST_IOS::in), detail::call_member_close(*this, BOOST_IOS::out) ); } void close(BOOST_IOS::openmode which) { if (which == BOOST_IOS::in && (flags_ & f_input_closed) == 0) { flags_ |= f_input_closed; iostreams::close(dev(), BOOST_IOS::in); } if (which == BOOST_IOS::out && (flags_ & f_output_closed) == 0) { flags_ |= f_output_closed; detail::execute_all( detail::flush_buffer(buf_.second(), dev(), can_write::value), detail::call_close(dev(), BOOST_IOS::out), detail::call_reset(dev_), detail::call_reset(buf_.first()), detail::call_reset(buf_.second()) ); } } bool is_open() const { return (flags_ & f_open) != 0;} policy_type& dev() { return **dev_; } enum flag_type { f_open = 1, f_input_closed = f_open << 1, f_output_closed = f_input_closed << 1 }; codecvt_holder
cvt_; storage_type dev_; double_object< buffer_type, is_double > buf_; int flags_; }; } // End namespace detail. //--------------Definition of converter---------------------------------------// #define BOOST_IOSTREAMS_CONVERTER_PARAMS() , int buffer_size = -1 #define BOOST_IOSTREAMS_CONVERTER_ARGS() , buffer_size template
struct code_converter_base { typedef detail::code_converter_impl< Device, Codecvt, Alloc > impl_type; code_converter_base() : pimpl_(new impl_type) { } shared_ptr
pimpl_; }; template< typename Device, typename Codecvt = detail::default_codecvt, typename Alloc = std::allocator
> class code_converter : protected code_converter_base
{ private: typedef detail::code_converter_impl< Device, Codecvt, Alloc > impl_type; typedef typename impl_type::policy_type policy_type; typedef typename impl_type::buffer_type buffer_type; typedef typename detail::codecvt_holder
::codecvt_type codecvt_type; typedef typename detail::codecvt_intern
::type intern_type; typedef typename detail::codecvt_extern
::type extern_type; typedef typename detail::codecvt_state
::type state_type; public: typedef intern_type char_type; struct category : impl_type::mode, device_tag, closable_tag, localizable_tag { }; BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT(( is_same< extern_type, BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME char_type_of
::type >::value )); public: code_converter() { } #if BOOST_WORKAROUND(__GNUC__, < 3) code_converter(code_converter& rhs) : code_converter_base
(rhs) { } code_converter(const code_converter& rhs) : code_converter_base
(rhs) { } #endif BOOST_IOSTREAMS_FORWARD( code_converter, open_impl, Device, BOOST_IOSTREAMS_CONVERTER_PARAMS, BOOST_IOSTREAMS_CONVERTER_ARGS ) // fstream-like interface. bool is_open() const { return this->pimpl_->is_open(); } void close(BOOST_IOS::openmode which = BOOST_IOS::in | BOOST_IOS::out ) { impl().close(which); } // Device interface. std::streamsize read(char_type*, std::streamsize); std::streamsize write(const char_type*, std::streamsize); void imbue(const std::locale& loc) { impl().cvt_.imbue(loc); } // Direct device access. Device& operator*() { return detail::unwrap_direct(dev()); } Device* operator->() { return &detail::unwrap_direct(dev()); } private: template
// Used for forwarding. void open_impl(const T& t BOOST_IOSTREAMS_CONVERTER_PARAMS()) { impl().open(t BOOST_IOSTREAMS_CONVERTER_ARGS()); } const codecvt_type& cvt() { return impl().cvt_.get(); } policy_type& dev() { return impl().dev(); } buffer_type& in() { return impl().buf_.first(); } buffer_type& out() { return impl().buf_.second(); } impl_type& impl() { return *this->pimpl_; } }; //--------------Implementation of converter-----------------------------------// // Implementation note: if end of stream contains a partial character, // it is ignored. template
std::streamsize code_converter
::read (char_type* s, std::streamsize n) { const extern_type* next; // Next external char. intern_type* nint; // Next internal char. std::streamsize total = 0; // Characters read. int status = iostreams::char_traits
::good(); bool partial = false; buffer_type& buf = in(); do { // Fill buffer. if (buf.ptr() == buf.eptr() || partial) { status = buf.fill(dev()); if (buf.ptr() == buf.eptr()) break; partial = false; } // Convert. std::codecvt_base::result result = cvt().in( buf.state(), buf.ptr(), buf.eptr(), next, s + total, s + n, nint ); buf.ptr() += next - buf.ptr(); total = static_cast
(nint - s); switch (result) { case std::codecvt_base::partial: partial = true; break; case std::codecvt_base::ok: break; case std::codecvt_base::noconv: { std::streamsize amt = std::min
(next - buf.ptr(), n - total); detail::strncpy_if_same(s + total, buf.ptr(), amt); total += amt; } break; case std::codecvt_base::error: default: buf.state() = state_type(); throw code_conversion_error(); } } while (total < n && status != EOF && status != WOULD_BLOCK); return total == 0 && status == EOF ? -1 : total; } template
std::streamsize code_converter
::write (const char_type* s, std::streamsize n) { buffer_type& buf = out(); extern_type* next; // Next external char. const intern_type* nint; // Next internal char. std::streamsize total = 0; // Characters written. bool partial = false; while (total < n) { // Empty buffer. if (buf.eptr() == buf.end() || partial) { if (!buf.flush(dev())) break; partial = false; } // Convert. std::codecvt_base::result result = cvt().out( buf.state(), s + total, s + n, nint, buf.eptr(), buf.end(), next ); int progress = (int) (next - buf.eptr()); buf.eptr() += progress; switch (result) { case std::codecvt_base::partial: partial = true; // Fall through. case std::codecvt_base::ok: total = static_cast
(nint - s); break; case std::codecvt_base::noconv: { std::streamsize amt = std::min
( nint - total - s, buf.end() - buf.eptr() ); detail::strncpy_if_same(buf.eptr(), s + total, amt); total += amt; } break; case std::codecvt_base::error: default: buf.state() = state_type(); throw code_conversion_error(); } } return total; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// } } // End namespaces iostreams, boost. #include
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