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ptr_sequence_adapter.hpp - Hosted on DriveHQ Cloud IT Platform
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Ruta de la carpeta: \\game3dprogramming\materials\GameFactory\GameFactoryDemo\references\boost_1_35_0\boost\ptr_container\ptr_sequence_adapter.hpp
// // Boost.Pointer Container // // Copyright Thorsten Ottosen 2003-2005. Use, modification and // distribution is subject to the Boost Software License, Version // 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at // http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) // // For more information, see http://www.boost.org/libs/ptr_container/ // #ifndef BOOST_ptr_container_PTR_SEQUENCE_ADAPTER_HPP #define BOOST_ptr_container_PTR_SEQUENCE_ADAPTER_HPP #if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200) # pragma once #endif #include
namespace boost { namespace ptr_container_detail { template < class T, class VoidPtrSeq > struct sequence_config { typedef BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME remove_nullable
::type U; typedef VoidPtrSeq void_container_type; typedef BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME VoidPtrSeq::allocator_type allocator_type; typedef U value_type; typedef void_ptr_iterator< BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME VoidPtrSeq::iterator, U > iterator; typedef void_ptr_iterator< BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME VoidPtrSeq::const_iterator, const U > const_iterator; #if defined(BOOST_NO_SFINAE) || defined(BOOST_NO_FUNCTION_TEMPLATE_ORDERING) template< class Iter > static U* get_pointer( Iter i ) { return static_cast
( *i.base() ); } #else template< class Iter > static U* get_pointer( void_ptr_iterator
i ) { return static_cast
( *i.base() ); } template< class Iter > static U* get_pointer( Iter i ) { return &*i; } #endif #if defined(BOOST_NO_SFINAE) && !BOOST_WORKAROUND(__MWERKS__, <= 0x3003) template< class Iter > static const U* get_const_pointer( Iter i ) { return static_cast
( *i.base() ); } #else // BOOST_NO_SFINAE #if BOOST_WORKAROUND(__MWERKS__, <= 0x3003) template< class Iter > static const U* get_const_pointer( void_ptr_iterator
i ) { return static_cast
( *i.base() ); } #else // BOOST_WORKAROUND template< class Iter > static const U* get_const_pointer( void_ptr_iterator
i ) { return static_cast
( *i.base() ); } #endif // BOOST_WORKAROUND template< class Iter > static const U* get_const_pointer( Iter i ) { return &*i; } #endif // BOOST_NO_SFINAE BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT(bool, allow_null = boost::is_nullable
::value ); }; } // ptr_container_detail template< class Iterator, class T > inline bool is_null( void_ptr_iterator
i ) { return *i.base() == 0; } template < class T, class VoidPtrSeq, class CloneAllocator = heap_clone_allocator > class ptr_sequence_adapter : public ptr_container_detail::reversible_ptr_container< ptr_container_detail::sequence_config
, CloneAllocator > { typedef ptr_container_detail::reversible_ptr_container< ptr_container_detail::sequence_config
, CloneAllocator > base_type; typedef BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME base_type::scoped_deleter scoped_deleter; typedef ptr_sequence_adapter
this_type; public: typedef BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME base_type::value_type value_type; typedef BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME base_type::reference reference; typedef BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME base_type::auto_type auto_type; BOOST_PTR_CONTAINER_DEFINE_CONSTRUCTORS( ptr_sequence_adapter, base_type ) template< class U > explicit ptr_sequence_adapter( const ptr_sequence_adapter
& r ) : base_type( r ) { } template< class PtrContainer > explicit ptr_sequence_adapter( std::auto_ptr
clone ) : base_type( clone ) { } template< class U > ptr_sequence_adapter& operator=( const ptr_sequence_adapter
& r ) { base_type::operator=( r ); return *this; } template< class PtrContainer > ptr_sequence_adapter& operator=( std::auto_ptr
clone ) { base_type::operator=( clone ); return *this; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // modifiers ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void push_back( value_type x ) // strong { this->enforce_null_policy( x, "Null pointer in 'push_back()'" ); auto_type ptr( x ); // notrow this->base().push_back( x ); // strong, commit ptr.release(); // nothrow } template< class U > void push_back( std::auto_ptr
x ) { push_back( x.release() ); } void push_front( value_type x ) { this->enforce_null_policy( x, "Null pointer in 'push_front()'" ); auto_type ptr( x ); // nothrow this->base().push_front( x ); // strong, commit ptr.release(); // nothrow } template< class U > void push_front( std::auto_ptr
x ) { push_front( x.release() ); } auto_type pop_back() { BOOST_PTR_CONTAINER_THROW_EXCEPTION( this->empty(), bad_ptr_container_operation, "'pop_back()' on empty container" ); auto_type ptr( static_cast
( this->base().back() ) ); // nothrow this->base().pop_back(); // nothrow return ptr_container_detail::move( ptr ); // nothrow } auto_type pop_front() { BOOST_PTR_CONTAINER_THROW_EXCEPTION( this->empty(), bad_ptr_container_operation, "'pop_front()' on empty container" ); auto_type ptr( static_cast
( this->base().front() ) ); // nothrow this->base().pop_front(); // nothrow return ptr_container_detail::move( ptr ); } reference front() { BOOST_PTR_CONTAINER_THROW_EXCEPTION( this->empty(), bad_ptr_container_operation, "accessing 'front()' on empty container" ); BOOST_ASSERT( !::boost::is_null( this->begin() ) ); return *this->begin(); } const_reference front() const { BOOST_PTR_CONTAINER_THROW_EXCEPTION( this->empty(), bad_ptr_container_operation, "accessing 'front()' on empty container" ); BOOST_ASSERT( !::boost::is_null( this->begin() ) ); return *this->begin(); } reference back() { BOOST_PTR_CONTAINER_THROW_EXCEPTION( this->empty(), bad_ptr_container_operation, "accessing 'back()' on empty container" ); BOOST_ASSERT( !::boost::is_null( --this->end() ) ); return *--this->end(); } const_reference back() const { BOOST_PTR_CONTAINER_THROW_EXCEPTION( this->empty(), bad_ptr_container_operation, "accessing 'back()' on empty container" ); BOOST_ASSERT( !::boost::is_null( --this->end() ) ); return *--this->end(); } public: // deque/vector inerface reference operator[]( size_type n ) // nothrow { BOOST_ASSERT( n < this->size() ); BOOST_ASSERT( !this->is_null( n ) ); return *static_cast
( this->base()[n] ); } const_reference operator[]( size_type n ) const // nothrow { BOOST_ASSERT( n < this->size() ); BOOST_ASSERT( !this->is_null( n ) ); return *static_cast
( this->base()[n] ); } reference at( size_type n ) { BOOST_PTR_CONTAINER_THROW_EXCEPTION( n >= this->size(), bad_index, "'at()' out of bounds" ); BOOST_ASSERT( !this->is_null( n ) ); return (*this)[n]; } const_reference at( size_type n ) const { BOOST_PTR_CONTAINER_THROW_EXCEPTION( n >= this->size(), bad_index, "'at()' out of bounds" ); BOOST_ASSERT( !this->is_null( n ) ); return (*this)[n]; } public: // vector interface size_type capacity() const { return this->base().capacity(); } void reserve( size_type n ) { this->base().reserve( n ); } void reverse() { this->base().reverse(); } public: // assign, insert, transfer // overhead: 1 heap allocation (very cheap compared to cloning) template< class InputIterator > void assign( InputIterator first, InputIterator last ) // strong { base_type temp( first, last ); this->swap( temp ); } template< class Range > void assign( const Range& r ) { assign( boost::begin(r), boost::end(r ) ); } private: template< class I > void insert_impl( iterator before, I first, I last, std::input_iterator_tag ) // strong { ptr_sequence_adapter temp(first,last); // strong transfer( before, temp ); // strong, commit } template< class I > void insert_impl( iterator before, I first, I last, std::forward_iterator_tag ) // strong { if( first == last ) return; scoped_deleter sd( first, last ); // strong this->insert_clones_and_release( sd, before ); // strong, commit } public: using base_type::insert; template< class InputIterator > void insert( iterator before, InputIterator first, InputIterator last ) // strong { insert_impl( before, first, last, BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME iterator_category
::type() ); } #if defined(BOOST_NO_SFINAE) || defined(BOOST_NO_FUNCTION_TEMPLATE_ORDERING) #else template< class Range > BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME boost::disable_if< ptr_container_detail::is_pointer_or_integral
>::type insert( iterator before, const Range& r ) { insert( before, boost::begin(r), boost::end(r) ); } #endif template< class PtrSeqAdapter > void transfer( iterator before, BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME PtrSeqAdapter::iterator first, BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME PtrSeqAdapter::iterator last, PtrSeqAdapter& from ) // strong { BOOST_ASSERT( (void*)&from != (void*)this ); if( from.empty() ) return; this->base(). insert( before.base(), first.base(), last.base() ); // strong from.base().erase( first.base(), last.base() ); // nothrow } template< class PtrSeqAdapter > void transfer( iterator before, BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME PtrSeqAdapter::iterator object, PtrSeqAdapter& from ) // strong { BOOST_ASSERT( (void*)&from != (void*)this ); if( from.empty() ) return; this->base().insert( before.base(), *object.base() ); // strong from.base().erase( object.base() ); // nothrow } #if defined(BOOST_NO_SFINAE) || defined(BOOST_NO_FUNCTION_TEMPLATE_ORDERING) #else template< class PtrSeqAdapter, class Range > BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME boost::disable_if< boost::is_same< Range, BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME PtrSeqAdapter::iterator > >::type transfer( iterator before, const Range& r, PtrSeqAdapter& from ) // strong { transfer( before, boost::begin(r), boost::end(r), from ); } #endif template< class PtrSeqAdapter > void transfer( iterator before, PtrSeqAdapter& from ) // strong { BOOST_ASSERT( (void*)&from != (void*)this ); if( from.empty() ) return; this->base(). insert( before.base(), from.begin().base(), from.end().base() ); // strong from.base().clear(); // nothrow } public: // C-array support void transfer( iterator before, value_type* from, size_type size, bool delete_from = true ) // strong { BOOST_ASSERT( from != 0 ); if( delete_from ) { BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME base_type::scoped_deleter deleter( from, size ); // nothrow this->base().insert( before.base(), from, from + size ); // strong deleter.release(); // nothrow } else { this->base().insert( before.base(), from, from + size ); // strong } } value_type* c_array() // nothrow { if( this->empty() ) return 0; T** res = reinterpret_cast
( &this->begin().base()[0] ); return res; } public: // null functions bool is_null( size_type idx ) const { BOOST_ASSERT( idx < this->size() ); return this->base()[idx] == 0; } public: // resize void resize( size_type size ) { size_type old_size = this->size(); if( old_size > size ) { this->erase( boost::next( this->begin(), size ), this->end() ); } else if( size > old_size ) { for( ; old_size != size; ++old_size ) this->push_back( new BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME boost::remove_pointer
::type ); } BOOST_ASSERT( this->size() == size ); } void resize( size_type size, value_type to_clone ) { size_type old_size = this->size(); if( old_size > size ) { this->erase( boost::next( this->begin(), size ), this->end() ); } else if( size > old_size ) { for( ; old_size != size; ++old_size ) this->push_back( this->null_policy_allocate_clone( to_clone ) ); } BOOST_ASSERT( this->size() == size ); } public: // algorithms void sort( iterator first, iterator last ) { sort( first, last, std::less
() ); } void sort() { sort( this->begin(), this->end() ); } template< class Compare > void sort( iterator first, iterator last, Compare comp ) { BOOST_ASSERT( first <= last && "out of range sort()" ); BOOST_ASSERT( this->begin() <= first && "out of range sort()" ); BOOST_ASSERT( last <= this->end() && "out of range sort()" ); // some static assert on the arguments of the comparison std::sort( first.base(), last.base(), void_ptr_indirect_fun
(comp) ); } template< class Compare > void sort( Compare comp ) { sort( this->begin(), this->end(), comp ); } void unique( iterator first, iterator last ) { unique( first, last, std::equal_to
() ); } void unique() { unique( this->begin(), this->end() ); } private: struct is_not_zero_ptr { template< class U > bool operator()( const U* r ) const { return r != 0; } }; void compact_and_erase_nulls( iterator first, iterator last ) // nothrow { typename base_type::ptr_iterator p = std::stable_partition( first.base(), last.base(), is_not_zero_ptr() ); this->base().erase( p, this->end().base() ); } void range_check_impl( iterator first, iterator last, std::bidirectional_iterator_tag ) { /* do nothing */ } void range_check_impl( iterator first, iterator last, std::random_access_iterator_tag ) { BOOST_ASSERT( first <= last && "out of range unique()/erase_if()" ); BOOST_ASSERT( this->begin() <= first && "out of range unique()/erase_if()" ); BOOST_ASSERT( last <= this->end() && "out of range unique()/erase_if)(" ); } void range_check( iterator first, iterator last ) { range_check_impl( first, last, BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME iterator_category
::type() ); } public: template< class Compare > void unique( iterator first, iterator last, Compare comp ) { range_check(first,last); iterator prev = first; iterator next = first; ++next; for( ; next != last; ++next ) { BOOST_ASSERT( !::boost::is_null(prev) ); BOOST_ASSERT( !::boost::is_null(next) ); if( comp( *prev, *next ) ) { this->remove( next ); // delete object *next.base() = 0; // mark pointer as deleted } else { prev = next; } // ++next } compact_and_erase_nulls( first, last ); } template< class Compare > void unique( Compare comp ) { unique( this->begin(), this->end(), comp ); } template< class Pred > void erase_if( iterator first, iterator last, Pred pred ) { range_check(first,last); iterator next = first; for( ; next != last; ++next ) { BOOST_ASSERT( !::boost::is_null(next) ); if( pred( *next ) ) { this->remove( next ); // delete object *next.base() = 0; // mark pointer as deleted } } compact_and_erase_nulls( first, last ); } template< class Pred > void erase_if( Pred pred ) { erase_if( this->begin(), this->end(), pred ); } void merge( iterator first, iterator last, ptr_sequence_adapter& from ) { merge( first, last, from, std::less
() ); } template< class BinPred > void merge( iterator first, iterator last, ptr_sequence_adapter& from, BinPred pred ) { void_ptr_indirect_fun
bin_pred(pred); size_type current_size = this->size(); this->transfer( this->end(), first, last, from ); typename base_type::ptr_iterator middle = this->begin().base(); std::advance(middle,current_size); std::inplace_merge( this->begin().base(), middle, this->end().base(), bin_pred ); } void merge( ptr_sequence_adapter& r ) { merge( r, std::less
() ); BOOST_ASSERT( r.empty() ); } template< class BinPred > void merge( ptr_sequence_adapter& r, BinPred pred ) { merge( r.begin(), r.end(), r, pred ); BOOST_ASSERT( r.empty() ); } }; } // namespace 'boost' #endif
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