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regex_token_iterator.hpp - Hosted on DriveHQ Cloud IT Platform
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Ruta de la carpeta: \\game3dprogramming\materials\GameFactory\GameFactoryDemo\references\boost_1_35_0\boost\xpressive\regex_token_iterator.hpp
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// \file regex_token_iterator.hpp /// Contains the definition of regex_token_iterator, and STL-compatible iterator /// for tokenizing a string using a regular expression. // // Copyright 2007 Eric Niebler. Distributed under the Boost // Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file // LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) #ifndef BOOST_XPRESSIVE_REGEX_TOKEN_ITERATOR_HPP_EAN_10_04_2005 #define BOOST_XPRESSIVE_REGEX_TOKEN_ITERATOR_HPP_EAN_10_04_2005 // MS compatible compilers support #pragma once #if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1020) # pragma once #endif #include
namespace boost { namespace xpressive { namespace detail { ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // regex_token_iterator_impl // template
struct regex_token_iterator_impl : counted_base
> { typedef sub_match
value_type; regex_token_iterator_impl ( BidiIter begin , BidiIter cur , BidiIter end , basic_regex
const *rex , regex_constants::match_flag_type flags = regex_constants::match_default , std::vector
subs = std::vector
(1, 0) , int n = -2 , bool not_null = false ) : iter_(begin, cur, end, rex, flags, not_null) , result_() , n_((-2 == n) ? (int)subs.size() - 1 : n) , subs_() { BOOST_ASSERT(0 != subs.size()); this->subs_.swap(subs); } bool next() { if(-1 != this->n_) { BidiIter cur = this->iter_.state_.cur_; if(0 != (++this->n_ %= (int)this->subs_.size()) || this->iter_.next()) { this->result_ = (-1 == this->subs_[ this->n_ ]) ? this->iter_.what_.prefix() : this->iter_.what_[ this->subs_[ this->n_ ] ]; return true; } else if(-1 == this->subs_[ this->n_-- ] && cur != this->iter_.state_.end_) { this->result_ = value_type(cur, this->iter_.state_.end_, true); return true; } } return false; } bool equal_to(regex_token_iterator_impl
const &that) const { return this->iter_.equal_to(that.iter_) && this->n_ == that.n_; } regex_iterator_impl
iter_; value_type result_; int n_; std::vector
subs_; }; inline int get_mark_number(int i) { return i; } inline std::vector
to_vector(int sub_match) { return std::vector
(1, sub_match); } inline std::vector
const &to_vector(std::vector
const &sub_matches) { return sub_matches; } template
inline std::vector
to_vector(Int const (&sub_matches)[ Size ]) { // so that people can specify sub-match indices inline with // string literals, like "\1\2\3", leave off the trailing '\0' std::size_t const size = Size - is_same
::value; std::vector
vect(size); for(std::size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) { vect[i] = get_mark_number(sub_matches[i]); } return vect; } template
inline std::vector
const &sub_matches) { BOOST_MPL_ASSERT((is_convertible
)); return std::vector
(sub_matches.begin(), sub_matches.end()); } } // namespace detail ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // regex_token_iterator // template
struct regex_token_iterator { typedef basic_regex
regex_type; typedef typename iterator_value
::type char_type; typedef sub_match
value_type; typedef std::ptrdiff_t difference_type; typedef value_type const *pointer; typedef value_type const &reference; typedef std::forward_iterator_tag iterator_category; /// INTERNAL ONLY typedef detail::regex_token_iterator_impl
impl_type_; /// \post \c *this is the end of sequence iterator. regex_token_iterator() : impl_() { } /// \param begin The beginning of the character range to search. /// \param end The end of the character range to search. /// \param rex The regex pattern to search for. /// \pre \c [begin,end) is a valid range. regex_token_iterator ( BidiIter begin , BidiIter end , basic_regex
const &rex ) : impl_(new impl_type_(begin, begin, end, &rex)) { this->next_(); } /// \param begin The beginning of the character range to search. /// \param end The end of the character range to search. /// \param rex The regex pattern to search for. /// \param args A let() expression with argument bindings for semantic actions. /// \pre \c [begin,end) is a valid range. template
regex_token_iterator ( BidiIter begin , BidiIter end , basic_regex
const &rex , detail::let_
const &args ) : impl_(new impl_type_(begin, begin, end, &rex)) { detail::bind_args(args, this->impl_->iter_.what_); this->next_(); } /// \param begin The beginning of the character range to search. /// \param end The end of the character range to search. /// \param rex The regex pattern to search for. /// \param flags Optional match flags, used to control how the expression is matched against the sequence. (See match_flag_type.) /// \pre \c [begin,end) is a valid range. /// \pre \c subs is either an integer greater or equal to -1, /// or else an array or non-empty \c std::vector\<\> of such integers. template
regex_token_iterator ( BidiIter begin , BidiIter end , basic_regex
const &rex , Subs const &subs , regex_constants::match_flag_type flags = regex_constants::match_default ) : impl_(new impl_type_(begin, begin, end, &rex, flags, detail::to_vector(subs))) { this->next_(); } /// \param begin The beginning of the character range to search. /// \param end The end of the character range to search. /// \param rex The regex pattern to search for. /// \param args A let() expression with argument bindings for semantic actions. /// \param flags Optional match flags, used to control how the expression is matched against the sequence. (See match_flag_type.) /// \pre \c [begin,end) is a valid range. /// \pre \c subs is either an integer greater or equal to -1, /// or else an array or non-empty \c std::vector\<\> of such integers. template
regex_token_iterator ( BidiIter begin , BidiIter end , basic_regex
const &rex , Subs const &subs , detail::let_
const &args , regex_constants::match_flag_type flags = regex_constants::match_default ) : impl_(new impl_type_(begin, begin, end, &rex, flags, detail::to_vector(subs))) { detail::bind_args(args, this->impl_->iter_.what_); this->next_(); } /// \post
*this == that
const &that) : impl_(that.impl_) // COW { } /// \post
*this == that
&operator =(regex_token_iterator
const &that) { this->impl_ = that.impl_; // COW return *this; } friend bool operator ==(regex_token_iterator
const &left, regex_token_iterator
const &right) { if(!left.impl_ || !right.impl_) { return !left.impl_ && !right.impl_; } return left.impl_->equal_to(*right.impl_); } friend bool operator !=(regex_token_iterator
const &left, regex_token_iterator
const &right) { return !(left == right); } value_type const &operator *() const { return this->impl_->result_; } value_type const *operator ->() const { return &this->impl_->result_; } /// If N == -1 then sets *this equal to the end of sequence iterator. /// Otherwise if N+1 \< subs.size(), then increments N and sets result equal to /// ((subs[N] == -1) ? value_type(what.prefix().str()) : value_type(what[subs[N]].str())). /// Otherwise if what.prefix().first != what[0].second and if the element match_prev_avail is /// not set in flags then sets it. Then locates the next match as if by calling /// regex_search(what[0].second, end, what, *pre, flags), with the following variation: /// in the event that the previous match found was of zero length (what[0].length() == 0) /// then attempts to find a non-zero length match starting at what[0].second, only if that /// fails and provided what[0].second != suffix().second does it look for a (possibly zero /// length) match starting from what[0].second + 1. If such a match is found then sets N /// equal to zero, and sets result equal to /// ((subs[N] == -1) ? value_type(what.prefix().str()) : value_type(what[subs[N]].str())). /// Otherwise if no further matches were found, then let last_end be the endpoint of the last /// match that was found. Then if last_end != end and subs[0] == -1 sets N equal to -1 and /// sets result equal to value_type(last_end, end). Otherwise sets *this equal to the end /// of sequence iterator. regex_token_iterator
&operator ++() { this->fork_(); // un-share the implementation this->next_(); return *this; } regex_token_iterator
operator ++(int) { regex_token_iterator
tmp(*this); ++*this; return tmp; } private: /// INTERNAL ONLY void fork_() { if(1 != this->impl_->use_count()) { intrusive_ptr
clone = new impl_type_ ( this->impl_->iter_.state_.begin_ , this->impl_->iter_.state_.cur_ , this->impl_->iter_.state_.end_ , this->impl_->iter_.rex_ , this->impl_->iter_.flags_ , this->impl_->subs_ , this->impl_->n_ , this->impl_->iter_.not_null_ ); // only copy the match_results struct if we have to. Note: if the next call // to impl_->next() will return false or call regex_search, we don't need to // copy the match_results struct. if(-1 != this->impl_->n_ && this->impl_->n_ + 1 != static_cast
(this->impl_->subs_.size())) { // BUGBUG This is expensive -- it causes the sequence_stack to be cleared. // Find a better way clone->iter_.what_ = this->impl_->iter_.what_; } else { // At the very least, copy the action args detail::core_access
::get_action_args(clone->iter_.what_) = detail::core_access
::get_action_args(this->impl_->iter_.what_); } this->impl_.swap(clone); } } /// INTERNAL ONLY void next_() { BOOST_ASSERT(this->impl_ && 1 == this->impl_->use_count()); if(!this->impl_->next()) { this->impl_ = 0; } } intrusive_ptr
impl_; }; }} // namespace boost::xpressive #endif
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