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main.cpp - Hosted on DriveHQ Cloud IT Platform
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// // main.c // SciTest // // Copyright (c) 2005-2006 ActiveState Software Inc. // All rights reserved. // // Created by Shane Caraveo on 3/20/05. // #include
#include "TView.h" #include "TCarbonEvent.h" #include "ScintillaMacOSX.h" extern "C" HIViewRef scintilla_new(void); const HILayoutInfo kBindToParentLayout = { kHILayoutInfoVersionZero, { { NULL, kHILayoutBindTop }, { NULL, kHILayoutBindLeft }, { NULL, kHILayoutBindBottom }, { NULL, kHILayoutBindRight } }, { { NULL, kHILayoutScaleAbsolute, 0 }, { NULL, kHILayoutScaleAbsolute, 0 } }, { { NULL, kHILayoutPositionTop, 0 }, { NULL, kHILayoutPositionLeft, 0 } } }; using namespace Scintilla; /* XPM */ static char *ac_class[] = { /* columns rows colors chars-per-pixel */ "18 12 24 1", " c black", ". c #403030", "X c #473636", "o c #4E3C3C", "O c #474141", "+ c #5F4C4C", "@ c #756362", "# c #98342C", "$ c #A0392F", "% c #B24235", "& c #B2443C", "* c #B34E3E", "= c #B54E44", "- c #B65146", "; c #B7584F", ": c #B8554C", "> c #B75A50", ", c #B95852", "< c #B96259", "1 c #B89B9B", "2 c #BCA0A0", "3 c #C1A5A5", "4 c gray100", "5 c None", /* pixels */ "555555555555555555", "55553$$$$$$$#@5555", "55552;%&&==;=o5555", "55551>&&*=;:=.5555", "55551>&*=;::=.5555", "55551>*==:::-X5555", "55551>==:::,;.5555", "55551<==:;,<>.5555", "55551<;;;;<<;.5555", "55551;-==;;;;X5555", "55555+XX..X..O5555", "555555555555555555" }; const char keywords[]="and and_eq asm auto bitand bitor bool break " "case catch char class compl const const_cast continue " "default delete do double dynamic_cast else enum explicit export extern false float for " "friend goto if inline int long mutable namespace new not not_eq " "operator or or_eq private protected public " "register reinterpret_cast return short signed sizeof static static_cast struct switch " "template this throw true try typedef typeid typename union unsigned using " "virtual void volatile wchar_t while xor xor_eq"; pascal OSStatus WindowEventHandler(EventHandlerCallRef inCallRef, EventRef inEvent, void* inUserData ) { HIViewRef sciView = *reinterpret_cast
( inUserData ); WindowRef window = GetControlOwner(sciView); ScintillaMacOSX* scintilla; GetControlProperty( sciView, scintillaMacOSType, 0, sizeof( scintilla ), NULL, &scintilla ); TCarbonEvent event( inEvent ); // If the window is not active, let the standard window handler execute. if ( ! IsWindowActive( window ) ) return eventNotHandledErr; const HIViewRef rootView = HIViewGetRoot( window ); assert( rootView != NULL ); if ( event.GetKind() == kEventMouseDown ) { UInt32 inKeyModifiers; event.GetParameter( kEventParamKeyModifiers, &inKeyModifiers ); EventMouseButton inMouseButton; event.GetParameter
( kEventParamMouseButton, typeMouseButton, &inMouseButton ); if (inMouseButton == kEventMouseButtonTertiary) { if (inKeyModifiers & optionKey) { const char *test = "\001This is a test calltip This is a test calltip This is a test calltip"; scintilla->WndProc( SCI_CALLTIPSHOW, 0, (long int)test ); } else { char *list = "test_1?0 test_2 test_3 test_4 test_5 test_6 test_7 test_8 test_9 test_10 test_11 test_12"; scintilla->WndProc( SCI_AUTOCSHOW, 0, (long int)list ); } return noErr; } } return eventNotHandledErr; } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { IBNibRef nibRef; WindowRef window; OSStatus err; // Create a Nib reference passing the name of the nib file (without the .nib extension) // CreateNibReference only searches into the application bundle. err = CreateNibReference(CFSTR("main"), &nibRef); require_noerr( err, CantGetNibRef ); // Once the nib reference is created, set the menu bar. "MainMenu" is the name of the menu bar // object. This name is set in InterfaceBuilder when the nib is created. err = SetMenuBarFromNib(nibRef, CFSTR("MenuBar")); require_noerr( err, CantSetMenuBar ); // Then create a window. "MainWindow" is the name of the window object. This name is set in // InterfaceBuilder when the nib is created. err = CreateWindowFromNib(nibRef, CFSTR("MainWindow"), &window); require_noerr( err, CantCreateWindow ); // We don't need the nib reference anymore. DisposeNibReference(nibRef); HIRect boundsRect; // GOOD and BAD methods off embedding into a window. This is used // to test Window::SetPositionRelative under different situations. #define GOOD #ifdef GOOD #ifdef USE_CONTROL ControlRef root; GetRootControl(window, &root); #else HIViewRef root; HIViewFindByID(HIViewGetRoot(window), kHIViewWindowContentID, &root); #endif HIViewGetBounds(root, &boundsRect); #else // BAD like mozilla HIViewRef root; root = HIViewGetRoot(window); Rect cBounds, sBounds; GetWindowBounds(window, kWindowContentRgn, &cBounds); GetWindowBounds(window, kWindowStructureRgn, &sBounds); boundsRect.origin.x = cBounds.left - sBounds.left; boundsRect.origin.y = cBounds.top - sBounds.top; boundsRect.size.width = cBounds.right - cBounds.left; boundsRect.size.height = cBounds.bottom - cBounds.top; #endif // get a scintilla control, and add it to it's parent container HIViewRef sciView; sciView = scintilla_new(); HIViewAddSubview(root, sciView); // some scintilla init ScintillaMacOSX* scintilla; GetControlProperty( sciView, scintillaMacOSType, 0, sizeof( scintilla ), NULL, &scintilla ); scintilla->WndProc( SCI_SETLEXER, SCLEX_CPP, 0); scintilla->WndProc( SCI_SETSTYLEBITS, 5, 0); scintilla->WndProc(SCI_STYLESETFORE, 0, 0x808080); // White space scintilla->WndProc(SCI_STYLESETFORE, 1, 0x007F00); // Comment scintilla->WndProc(SCI_STYLESETITALIC, 1, 1); // Comment scintilla->WndProc(SCI_STYLESETFORE, 2, 0x007F00); // Line comment scintilla->WndProc(SCI_STYLESETITALIC, 2, 1); // Line comment scintilla->WndProc(SCI_STYLESETFORE, 3, 0x3F703F); // Doc comment scintilla->WndProc(SCI_STYLESETITALIC, 3, 1); // Doc comment scintilla->WndProc(SCI_STYLESETFORE, 4, 0x7F7F00); // Number scintilla->WndProc(SCI_STYLESETFORE, 5, 0x7F0000); // Keyword scintilla->WndProc(SCI_STYLESETBOLD, 5, 1); // Keyword scintilla->WndProc(SCI_STYLESETFORE, 6, 0x7F007F); // String scintilla->WndProc(SCI_STYLESETFORE, 7, 0x7F007F); // Character scintilla->WndProc(SCI_STYLESETFORE, 8, 0x804080); // UUID scintilla->WndProc(SCI_STYLESETFORE, 9, 0x007F7F); // Preprocessor scintilla->WndProc(SCI_STYLESETFORE,10, 0x000000); // Operators scintilla->WndProc(SCI_STYLESETBOLD,10, 1); // Operators scintilla->WndProc(SCI_STYLESETFORE,11, 0x000000); // Identifiers scintilla->WndProc(SCI_SETKEYWORDS, 0, (sptr_t)(char *)keywords); // Keyword /* these fail compilation on osx now scintilla->WndProc( SCI_SETPROPERTY, "fold", (long int)"1"); scintilla->WndProc( SCI_SETPROPERTY, "fold.compact", (long int)"0"); scintilla->WndProc( SCI_SETPROPERTY, "fold.comment", (long int)"1"); scintilla->WndProc( SCI_SETPROPERTY, "fold.preprocessor", (long int)"1"); */ scintilla->WndProc( SCI_REGISTERIMAGE, 0, (long int)ac_class); scintilla->WndProc( SCI_SETMARGINTYPEN, 0, (long int)SC_MARGIN_NUMBER); scintilla->WndProc( SCI_SETMARGINWIDTHN, 0, (long int)30); scintilla->WndProc( SCI_SETMARGINTYPEN, 1, (long int)SC_MARGIN_SYMBOL); scintilla->WndProc( SCI_SETMARGINMASKN, 1, (long int)SC_MASK_FOLDERS); scintilla->WndProc( SCI_SETMARGINWIDTHN, 1, (long int)20); scintilla->WndProc( SCI_SETMARGINTYPEN, 2, (long int)SC_MARGIN_SYMBOL); scintilla->WndProc( SCI_SETMARGINWIDTHN, 2, (long int)16); //scintilla->WndProc( SCI_SETWRAPMODE, SC_WRAP_WORD, 0); //scintilla->WndProc( SCI_SETWRAPVISUALFLAGS, SC_WRAPVISUALFLAG_END | SC_WRAPVISUALFLAG_START, 0); // set the size of scintilla to the size of the container HIViewSetFrame( sciView, &boundsRect ); // bind the size of scintilla to the size of it's container window HIViewSetLayoutInfo(sciView, &kBindToParentLayout); // setup some event handling static const EventTypeSpec kWindowMouseEvents[] = { { kEventClassMouse, kEventMouseDown }, }; InstallEventHandler( GetWindowEventTarget( window ), WindowEventHandler, GetEventTypeCount( kWindowMouseEvents ), kWindowMouseEvents, &sciView, NULL ); // show scintilla ShowControl(sciView); SetAutomaticControlDragTrackingEnabledForWindow(window, true); // The window was created hidden so show it. ShowWindow( window ); // Call the event loop RunApplicationEventLoop(); CantCreateWindow: CantSetMenuBar: CantGetNibRef: return err; }
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