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cached_node_allocator.hpp - Hosted on DriveHQ Cloud IT Platform
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Ruta de la carpeta: \\game3dprogramming\materials\GameFactory\GameFactoryDemo\references\boost_1_35_0\boost\interprocess\allocators\cached_node_allocator.hpp
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // (C) Copyright Ion Gaztanaga 2005-2008. Distributed under the Boost // Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file // LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) // // See http://www.boost.org/libs/interprocess for documentation. // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef BOOST_INTERPROCESS_CACHED_NODE_ALLOCATOR_HPP #define BOOST_INTERPROCESS_CACHED_NODE_ALLOCATOR_HPP #if (defined _MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200) # pragma once #endif #include
//!\file //!Describes cached_cached_node_allocator pooled shared memory STL compatible allocator namespace boost { namespace interprocess { /// @cond namespace detail { template < class T , class SegmentManager , std::size_t NodesPerChunk = 64 > class cached_node_allocator_v1 : public detail::cached_allocator_impl < T , detail::shared_node_pool < SegmentManager , sizeof(T) , NodesPerChunk > , 1> { public: typedef detail::cached_allocator_impl < T , detail::shared_node_pool < SegmentManager , sizeof(T) , NodesPerChunk > , 1> base_t; template
struct rebind { typedef cached_node_allocator_v1
other; }; cached_node_allocator_v1(SegmentManager *segment_mngr, std::size_t max_cached_nodes = base_t::DEFAULT_MAX_CACHED_NODES) : base_t(segment_mngr, max_cached_nodes) {} template
cached_node_allocator_v1 (const cached_node_allocator_v1
&other) : base_t(other) {} }; } //namespace detail{ /// @endcond template < class T , class SegmentManager , std::size_t NodesPerChunk > class cached_node_allocator /// @cond : public detail::cached_allocator_impl < T , detail::shared_node_pool < SegmentManager , sizeof(T) , NodesPerChunk > , 2> /// @endcond { #ifndef BOOST_INTERPROCESS_DOXYGEN_INVOKED public: typedef detail::cached_allocator_impl < T , detail::shared_node_pool < SegmentManager , sizeof(T) , NodesPerChunk > , 2> base_t; public: typedef detail::version_type
version; template
struct rebind { typedef cached_node_allocator
other; }; cached_node_allocator(SegmentManager *segment_mngr, std::size_t max_cached_nodes = base_t::DEFAULT_MAX_CACHED_NODES) : base_t(segment_mngr, max_cached_nodes) {} template
cached_node_allocator (const cached_node_allocator
&other) : base_t(other) {} #else public: typedef implementation_defined::segment_manager segment_manager; typedef segment_manager::void_pointer void_pointer; typedef implementation_defined::pointer pointer; typedef implementation_defined::const_pointer const_pointer; typedef T value_type; typedef typename detail::add_reference
::type reference; typedef typename detail::add_reference
::type const_reference; typedef std::size_t size_type; typedef std::ptrdiff_t difference_type; //!Obtains cached_node_allocator from //!cached_node_allocator template
struct rebind { typedef cached_node_allocator
other; }; private: //!Not assignable from //!related cached_node_allocator template
cached_node_allocator& operator= (const cached_node_allocator
&); //!Not assignable from //!other cached_node_allocator cached_node_allocator& operator=(const cached_node_allocator&); public: //!Constructor from a segment manager. If not present, constructs a node //!pool. Increments the reference count of the associated node pool. //!Can throw boost::interprocess::bad_alloc cached_node_allocator(segment_manager *segment_mngr); //!Copy constructor from other cached_node_allocator. Increments the reference //!count of the associated node pool. Never throws cached_node_allocator(const cached_node_allocator &other); //!Copy constructor from related cached_node_allocator. If not present, constructs //!a node pool. Increments the reference count of the associated node pool. //!Can throw boost::interprocess::bad_alloc template
cached_node_allocator (const cached_node_allocator
&other); //!Destructor, removes node_pool_t from memory //!if its reference count reaches to zero. Never throws ~cached_node_allocator(); //!Returns a pointer to the node pool. //!Never throws node_pool_t* get_node_pool() const; //!Returns the segment manager. //!Never throws segment_manager* get_segment_manager()const; //!Returns the number of elements that could be allocated. //!Never throws size_type max_size() const; //!Allocate memory for an array of count elements. //!Throws boost::interprocess::bad_alloc if there is no enough memory pointer allocate(size_type count, cvoid_pointer hint = 0); //!Deallocate allocated memory. //!Never throws void deallocate(const pointer &ptr, size_type count); //!Deallocates all free chunks //!of the pool void deallocate_free_chunks(); //!Swaps allocators. Does not throw. If each allocator is placed in a //!different memory segment, the result is undefined. friend void swap(self_t &alloc1, self_t &alloc2); //!Returns address of mutable object. //!Never throws pointer address(reference value) const; //!Returns address of non mutable object. //!Never throws const_pointer address(const_reference value) const; //!Default construct an object. //!Throws if T's default constructor throws void construct(const pointer &ptr); //!Destroys object. Throws if object's //!destructor throws void destroy(const pointer &ptr); //!Returns maximum the number of objects the previously allocated memory //!pointed by p can hold. This size only works for memory allocated with //!allocate, allocation_command and allocate_many. size_type size(const pointer &p) const; std::pair
allocation_command(allocation_type command, size_type limit_size, size_type preferred_size, size_type &received_size, const pointer &reuse = 0); //!Allocates many elements of size elem_size in a contiguous chunk //!of memory. The minimum number to be allocated is min_elements, //!the preferred and maximum number is //!preferred_elements. The number of actually allocated elements is //!will be assigned to received_size. The elements must be deallocated //!with deallocate(...) multiallocation_iterator allocate_many(size_type elem_size, std::size_t num_elements); //!Allocates n_elements elements, each one of size elem_sizes[i]in a //!contiguous chunk //!of memory. The elements must be deallocated multiallocation_iterator allocate_many(const size_type *elem_sizes, size_type n_elements); //!Allocates many elements of size elem_size in a contiguous chunk //!of memory. The minimum number to be allocated is min_elements, //!the preferred and maximum number is //!preferred_elements. The number of actually allocated elements is //!will be assigned to received_size. The elements must be deallocated //!with deallocate(...) void deallocate_many(multiallocation_iterator it); //!Allocates just one object. Memory allocated with this function //!must be deallocated only with deallocate_one(). //!Throws boost::interprocess::bad_alloc if there is no enough memory pointer allocate_one(); //!Allocates many elements of size == 1 in a contiguous chunk //!of memory. The minimum number to be allocated is min_elements, //!the preferred and maximum number is //!preferred_elements. The number of actually allocated elements is //!will be assigned to received_size. Memory allocated with this function //!must be deallocated only with deallocate_one(). multiallocation_iterator allocate_individual(std::size_t num_elements); //!Deallocates memory previously allocated with allocate_one(). //!You should never use deallocate_one to deallocate memory allocated //!with other functions different from allocate_one(). Never throws void deallocate_one(const pointer &p); //!Allocates many elements of size == 1 in a contiguous chunk //!of memory. The minimum number to be allocated is min_elements, //!the preferred and maximum number is //!preferred_elements. The number of actually allocated elements is //!will be assigned to received_size. Memory allocated with this function //!must be deallocated only with deallocate_one(). void deallocate_individual(multiallocation_iterator it); //!Sets the new max cached nodes value. This can provoke deallocations //!if "newmax" is less than current cached nodes. Never throws void set_max_cached_nodes(std::size_t newmax); //!Returns the max cached nodes parameter. //!Never throws std::size_t get_max_cached_nodes() const; #endif }; #ifdef BOOST_INTERPROCESS_DOXYGEN_INVOKED //!Equality test for same type //!of cached_node_allocator template
inline bool operator==(const cached_node_allocator
&alloc1, const cached_node_allocator
&alloc2); //!Inequality test for same type //!of cached_node_allocator template
inline bool operator!=(const cached_node_allocator
&alloc1, const cached_node_allocator
&alloc2); #endif } //namespace interprocess { } //namespace boost { #include
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