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ast.hpp - Hosted on DriveHQ Cloud IT Platform
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Ruta de la carpeta: \\game3dprogramming\materials\GameFactory\GameFactoryDemo\references\boost_1_35_0\boost\spirit\tree\ast.hpp
/*============================================================================= Copyright (c) 2001-2003 Daniel Nuffer Copyright (c) 2001-2007 Hartmut Kaiser http://spirit.sourceforge.net/ Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) =============================================================================*/ #ifndef BOOST_SPIRIT_TREE_AST_HPP #define BOOST_SPIRIT_TREE_AST_HPP #include
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// namespace boost { namespace spirit { ////////////////////////////////// // ast_match_policy is simply an id so the correct specialization of // tree_policy can be found. template < typename IteratorT, typename NodeFactoryT, typename T > struct ast_match_policy : public common_tree_match_policy< ast_match_policy
, IteratorT, NodeFactoryT, ast_tree_policy< ast_match_policy
, NodeFactoryT, T >, T > { typedef common_tree_match_policy< ast_match_policy
, IteratorT, NodeFactoryT, ast_tree_policy< ast_match_policy
, NodeFactoryT, T >, T > common_tree_match_policy_; ast_match_policy() { } template
ast_match_policy(PolicyT const & policies) : common_tree_match_policy_(policies) { } }; ////////////////////////////////// template
struct ast_tree_policy : public common_tree_tree_policy
{ typedef typename MatchPolicyT::match_t match_t; typedef typename MatchPolicyT::iterator_t iterator_t; template
static void concat(MatchAT& a, MatchBT const& b) { BOOST_SPIRIT_ASSERT(a && b); #if defined(BOOST_SPIRIT_DEBUG) && \ (BOOST_SPIRIT_DEBUG_FLAGS & BOOST_SPIRIT_DEBUG_FLAGS_NODES) BOOST_SPIRIT_DEBUG_OUT << "\n>>>AST concat. a = " << a << "\n\tb = " << b << "<<<\n"; #endif typedef typename tree_match
::container_t container_t; // test for size() is nessecary, because no_tree_gen_node leaves a.trees // and/or b.trees empty if (0 != b.trees.size() && b.trees.begin()->value.is_root()) { BOOST_SPIRIT_ASSERT(b.trees.size() == 1); container_t tmp; std::swap(a.trees, tmp); // save a into tmp std::swap(b.trees, a.trees); // make b.trees[0] be new root (a.trees[0]) container_t* pnon_root_trees = &a.trees; while (pnon_root_trees->size() > 0 && pnon_root_trees->begin()->value.is_root()) { pnon_root_trees = & pnon_root_trees->begin()->children; } pnon_root_trees->insert(pnon_root_trees->begin(), tmp.begin(), tmp.end()); } else if (0 != a.trees.size() && a.trees.begin()->value.is_root()) { BOOST_SPIRIT_ASSERT(a.trees.size() == 1); #if !defined(BOOST_SPIRIT_USE_LIST_FOR_TREES) a.trees.begin()->children.reserve(a.trees.begin()->children.size() + b.trees.size()); #endif std::copy(b.trees.begin(), b.trees.end(), std::back_insert_iterator
( a.trees.begin()->children)); } else { #if !defined(BOOST_SPIRIT_USE_LIST_FOR_TREES) a.trees.reserve(a.trees.size() + b.trees.size()); #endif std::copy(b.trees.begin(), b.trees.end(), std::back_insert_iterator
(a.trees)); } #if defined(BOOST_SPIRIT_DEBUG) && \ (BOOST_SPIRIT_DEBUG_FLAGS & BOOST_SPIRIT_DEBUG_FLAGS_NODES) BOOST_SPIRIT_DEBUG_OUT << ">>>after AST concat. a = " << a << "<<<\n\n"; #endif return; } template
static void group_match(MatchT& m, parser_id const& id, Iterator1T const& first, Iterator2T const& last) { if (!m) return; typedef typename tree_match
::container_t container_t; typedef typename container_t::iterator cont_iterator_t; typedef typename NodeFactoryT::template factory
factory_t; if (m.trees.size() == 1 #ifdef BOOST_SPIRIT_NO_TREE_NODE_COLLAPSING && !(id.to_long() && m.trees.begin()->value.id().to_long()) #endif ) { // set rule_id's. There may have been multiple nodes created. // Because of root_node[] they may be left-most children of the top // node. container_t* punset_id = &m.trees; while (punset_id->size() > 0 && punset_id->begin()->value.id() == 0) { punset_id->begin()->value.id(id); punset_id = &punset_id->begin()->children; } m.trees.begin()->value.is_root(false); } else { match_t newmatch(m.length(), m.trees.empty() ? factory_t::empty_node() : factory_t::create_node(first, last, false)); std::swap(newmatch.trees.begin()->children, m.trees); // set this node and all it's unset children's rule_id newmatch.trees.begin()->value.id(id); for (cont_iterator_t i = newmatch.trees.begin(); i != newmatch.trees.end(); ++i) { if (i->value.id() == 0) i->value.id(id); } m = newmatch; } } template
static void apply_op_to_match(FunctorT const& op, MatchT& m) { op(m); } }; namespace impl { template
struct tree_policy_selector
> { typedef ast_tree_policy< ast_match_policy
, NodeFactoryT, T > type; }; } // namespace impl ////////////////////////////////// struct gen_ast_node_parser_gen; template
struct gen_ast_node_parser : public unary
> > { typedef gen_ast_node_parser
self_t; typedef gen_ast_node_parser_gen parser_generator_t; typedef unary_parser_category parser_category_t; gen_ast_node_parser(T const& a) : unary
> >(a) {} template
typename parser_result
::type parse(ScannerT const& scan) const { typedef typename ScannerT::iteration_policy_t iteration_policy_t; typedef typename ScannerT::match_policy_t::iterator_t iterator_t; typedef typename ScannerT::match_policy_t::factory_t factory_t; typedef ast_match_policy
match_policy_t; typedef typename ScannerT::action_policy_t action_policy_t; typedef scanner_policies< iteration_policy_t, match_policy_t, action_policy_t > policies_t; return this->subject().parse(scan.change_policies(policies_t(scan))); } }; ////////////////////////////////// struct gen_ast_node_parser_gen { template
struct result { typedef gen_ast_node_parser
type; }; template
static gen_ast_node_parser
const& s) { return gen_ast_node_parser
(s.derived()); } template
const& s) const { return gen_ast_node_parser
(s.derived()); } }; ////////////////////////////////// const gen_ast_node_parser_gen gen_ast_node_d = gen_ast_node_parser_gen(); ////////////////////////////////// struct root_node_op { template
void operator()(MatchT& m) const { BOOST_SPIRIT_ASSERT(m.trees.size() > 0); m.trees.begin()->value.is_root(true); } }; const node_parser_gen
root_node_d = node_parser_gen
(); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Parse functions for ASTs // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template < typename AstFactoryT, typename IteratorT, typename ParserT, typename SkipT > inline tree_parse_info
ast_parse( IteratorT const& first_, IteratorT const& last_, parser
const& parser, SkipT const& skip_, AstFactoryT const & /*dummy_*/ = AstFactoryT()) { typedef skip_parser_iteration_policy
iter_policy_t; typedef ast_match_policy
ast_match_policy_t; typedef scanner_policies
scanner_policies_t; typedef scanner
scanner_t; iter_policy_t iter_policy(skip_); scanner_policies_t policies(iter_policy); IteratorT first = first_; scanner_t scan(first, last_, policies); tree_match
hit = parser.derived().parse(scan); return tree_parse_info
( first, hit, hit && (first == last_), hit.length(), hit.trees); } ////////////////////////////////// template
inline tree_parse_info
ast_parse( IteratorT const& first_, IteratorT const& last_, parser
const& parser, SkipT const& skip_) { typedef node_val_data_factory
default_factory_t; return ast_parse(first_, last_, parser, skip_, default_factory_t()); } ////////////////////////////////// template
inline tree_parse_info
ast_parse( IteratorT const& first_, IteratorT const& last, parser
const& parser) { typedef ast_match_policy
ast_match_policy_t; IteratorT first = first_; scanner< IteratorT, scanner_policies
> scan(first, last); tree_match
hit = parser.derived().parse(scan); return tree_parse_info
( first, hit, hit && (first == last), hit.length(), hit.trees); } ////////////////////////////////// template
inline tree_parse_info
ast_parse( CharT const* str, parser
const& parser, SkipT const& skip) { CharT const* last = str; while (*last) last++; return ast_parse(str, last, parser, skip); } ////////////////////////////////// template
inline tree_parse_info
ast_parse( CharT const* str, parser
const& parser) { CharT const* last = str; while (*last) { last++; } return ast_parse(str, last, parser); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// }} // namespace boost::spirit #endif
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