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bessel_jy_asym.hpp - Hosted on DriveHQ Cloud IT Platform
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// Copyright (c) 2007 John Maddock // Use, modification and distribution are subject to the // Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file // LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) // // This is a partial header, do not include on it's own!!! // // Contains asymptotic expansions for Bessel J(v,x) and Y(v,x) // functions, as x -> INF. // #ifndef BOOST_MATH_SF_DETAIL_BESSEL_JY_ASYM_HPP #define BOOST_MATH_SF_DETAIL_BESSEL_JY_ASYM_HPP #include
namespace boost{ namespace math{ namespace detail{ template
inline T asymptotic_bessel_j_large_x_P(T v, T x) { // A&S 9.2.9 T s = 1; T mu = 4 * v * v; T ez2 = 8 * x; ez2 *= ez2; s -= (mu-1) * (mu-9) / (2 * ez2); s += (mu-1) * (mu-9) * (mu-25) * (mu - 49) / (24 * ez2 * ez2); return s; } template
inline T asymptotic_bessel_j_large_x_Q(T v, T x) { // A&S 9.2.10 T s = 0; T mu = 4 * v * v; T ez = 8*x; s += (mu-1) / ez; s -= (mu-1) * (mu-9) * (mu-25) / (6 * ez*ez*ez); return s; } template
inline T asymptotic_bessel_j_large_x(T v, T x) { // // See http://functions.wolfram.com/BesselAiryStruveFunctions/BesselJ/06/02/02/0001/ // // Also A&S 9.2.5 // BOOST_MATH_STD_USING // ADL of std names T chi = fabs(x) - constants::pi
() * (2 * v + 1) / 4; return sqrt(2 / (constants::pi
() * x)) * (asymptotic_bessel_j_large_x_P(v, x) * cos(chi) - asymptotic_bessel_j_large_x_Q(v, x) * sin(chi)); } template
inline T asymptotic_bessel_y_large_x(T v, T x) { // // See http://functions.wolfram.com/BesselAiryStruveFunctions/BesselJ/06/02/02/0001/ // // Also A&S 9.2.5 // BOOST_MATH_STD_USING // ADL of std names T chi = fabs(x) - constants::pi
() * (2 * v + 1) / 4; return sqrt(2 / (constants::pi
() * x)) * (asymptotic_bessel_j_large_x_P(v, x) * sin(chi) - asymptotic_bessel_j_large_x_Q(v, x) * cos(chi)); } template
inline T asymptotic_bessel_amplitude(T v, T x) { // Calculate the amplitude of J(v, x) and Y(v, x) for large // x: see A&S 9.2.28. BOOST_MATH_STD_USING T s = 1; T mu = 4 * v * v; T txq = 2 * x; txq *= txq; s += (mu - 1) / (2 * txq); s += 3 * (mu - 1) * (mu - 9) / (txq * txq * 8); s += 15 * (mu - 1) * (mu - 9) * (mu - 25) / (txq * txq * txq * 8 * 6); return sqrt(s * 2 / (constants::pi
() * x)); } template
T asymptotic_bessel_phase_mx(T v, T x) { // // Calculate the phase of J(v, x) and Y(v, x) for large x. // See A&S 9.2.29. // Note that the result returned is the phase less x. // T mu = 4 * v * v; T denom = 4 * x; T denom_mult = denom * denom; T s = -constants::pi
() * (v / 2 + 0.25f); s += (mu - 1) / (2 * denom); denom *= denom_mult; s += (mu - 1) * (mu - 25) / (6 * denom); denom *= denom_mult; s += (mu - 1) * (mu * mu - 114 * mu + 1073) / (5 * denom); denom *= denom_mult; s += (mu - 1) * (5 * mu * mu * mu - 1535 * mu * mu + 54703 * mu - 375733) / (14 * denom); return s; } template
inline T asymptotic_bessel_y_large_x_2(T v, T x) { // See A&S 9.2.19. BOOST_MATH_STD_USING // Get the phase and amplitude: T ampl = asymptotic_bessel_amplitude(v, x); T phase = asymptotic_bessel_phase_mx(v, x); // // Calculate the sine of the phase, using: // sin(x+p) = sin(x)cos(p) + cos(x)sin(p) // T sin_phase = sin(phase) * cos(x) + cos(phase) * sin(x); return sin_phase * ampl; } template
inline T asymptotic_bessel_j_large_x_2(T v, T x) { // See A&S 9.2.19. BOOST_MATH_STD_USING // Get the phase and amplitude: T ampl = asymptotic_bessel_amplitude(v, x); T phase = asymptotic_bessel_phase_mx(v, x); // // Calculate the sine of the phase, using: // cos(x+p) = cos(x)cos(p) - sin(x)sin(p) // T sin_phase = cos(phase) * cos(x) - sin(phase) * sin(x); return sin_phase * ampl; } // // Various limits for the J and Y asymptotics // (the asympotic expansions are safe to use if // x is less than the limit given). // We assume that if we don't use these expansions then the // error will likely be >100eps, so the limits given are chosen // to lead to < 100eps truncation error. // template
inline T asymptotic_bessel_y_limit(const mpl::int_<0>&) { // default case: BOOST_MATH_STD_USING return 2.25 / pow(100 * tools::epsilon
() / T(0.001f), T(0.2f)); } template
inline T asymptotic_bessel_y_limit(const mpl::int_<53>&) { // double case: return 304 /*780*/; } template
inline T asymptotic_bessel_y_limit(const mpl::int_<64>&) { // 80-bit extended-double case: return 1552 /*3500*/; } template
inline T asymptotic_bessel_y_limit(const mpl::int_<113>&) { // 128-bit long double case: return 1245243 /*3128000*/; } template
struct bessel_asymptotic_tag { typedef typename policies::precision
::type precision_type; typedef typename mpl::if_< mpl::or_< mpl::equal_to
>, mpl::greater
> >, mpl::int_<0>, typename mpl::if_< mpl::greater
>, mpl::int_<113>, typename mpl::if_< mpl::greater
>, mpl::int_<64>, mpl::int_<53> >::type >::type >::type type; }; template
inline T asymptotic_bessel_j_limit(const T& v, const mpl::int_<0>&) { // default case: BOOST_MATH_STD_USING T v2 = (std::max)(T(3), v * v); return v2 / pow(100 * tools::epsilon
() / T(2e-5f), T(0.17f)); } template
inline T asymptotic_bessel_j_limit(const T& v, const mpl::int_<53>&) { // double case: T v2 = (std::max)(T(3), v * v); return v2 * 33 /*73*/; } template
inline T asymptotic_bessel_j_limit(const T& v, const mpl::int_<64>&) { // 80-bit extended-double case: T v2 = (std::max)(T(3), v * v); return v2 * 121 /*266*/; } template
inline T asymptotic_bessel_j_limit(const T& v, const mpl::int_<113>&) { // 128-bit long double case: T v2 = (std::max)(T(3), v * v); return v2 * 39154 /*85700*/; } template
void temme_asyptotic_y_small_x(T v, T x, T* Y, T* Y1, const Policy& pol) { T c = 1; T p = (v / boost::math::sin_pi(v, pol)) * pow(x / 2, -v) / boost::math::tgamma(1 - v, pol); T q = (v / boost::math::sin_pi(v, pol)) * pow(x / 2, v) / boost::math::tgamma(1 + v, pol); T f = (p - q) / v; T g_prefix = boost::math::sin_pi(v / 2, pol); g_prefix *= g_prefix * 2 / v; T g = f + g_prefix * q; T h = p; T c_mult = -x * x / 4; T y(c * g), y1(c * h); for(int k = 1; k < policies::get_max_series_iterations
(); ++k) { f = (k * f + p + q) / (k*k - v*v); p /= k - v; q /= k + v; c *= c_mult / k; T c1 = pow(-x * x / 4, k) / factorial
(k, pol); g = f + g_prefix * q; h = -k * g + p; y += c * g; y1 += c * h; if(c * g / tools::epsilon
() < y) break; } *Y = -y; *Y1 = (-2 / x) * y1; } template
T asymptotic_bessel_i_large_x(T v, T x, const Policy& pol) { BOOST_MATH_STD_USING // ADL of std names T s = 1; T mu = 4 * v * v; T ex = 8 * x; T num = mu - 1; T denom = ex; s -= num / denom; num *= mu - 9; denom *= ex * 2; s += num / denom; num *= mu - 25; denom *= ex * 3; s -= num / denom; // Try and avoid overflow to the last minute: T e = exp(x/2); s = e * (e * s / sqrt(2 * x * constants::pi
())); return (boost::math::isfinite)(s) ? s : policies::raise_overflow_error
("boost::math::asymptotic_bessel_i_large_x<%1%>(%1%,%1%)", 0, pol); } }}} // namespaces #endif
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