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map30.hpp - Hosted on DriveHQ Cloud IT Platform
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Ruta de la carpeta: \\game3dprogramming\materials\GameFactory\GameFactoryDemo\references\boost_1_35_0\boost\mpl\map\aux_\preprocessed\no_ctps\map30.hpp
// Copyright Aleksey Gurtovoy 2000-2004 // Copyright David Abrahams 2003-2004 // // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. // (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at // http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) // // Preprocessed version of "boost/mpl/map/map30.hpp" header // -- DO NOT modify by hand! namespace boost { namespace mpl { template<> struct m_at_impl<20> { template< typename Map > struct result_ { typedef typename Map::item20 type; }; }; template<> struct m_item_impl<21> { template< typename Key, typename T, typename Base > struct result_ : m_item_< Key,T,Base > { typedef pair< Key,T > item20; }; }; template< typename P0, typename P1, typename P2, typename P3, typename P4 , typename P5, typename P6, typename P7, typename P8, typename P9 , typename P10, typename P11, typename P12, typename P13, typename P14 , typename P15, typename P16, typename P17, typename P18, typename P19 , typename P20 > struct map21 : m_item< 21 , typename P20::first , typename P20::second , map20< P0,P1,P2,P3,P4,P5,P6,P7,P8,P9,P10,P11,P12,P13,P14,P15,P16,P17,P18,P19 > > { typedef map21 type; }; template<> struct m_at_impl<21> { template< typename Map > struct result_ { typedef typename Map::item21 type; }; }; template<> struct m_item_impl<22> { template< typename Key, typename T, typename Base > struct result_ : m_item_< Key,T,Base > { typedef pair< Key,T > item21; }; }; template< typename P0, typename P1, typename P2, typename P3, typename P4 , typename P5, typename P6, typename P7, typename P8, typename P9 , typename P10, typename P11, typename P12, typename P13, typename P14 , typename P15, typename P16, typename P17, typename P18, typename P19 , typename P20, typename P21 > struct map22 : m_item< 22 , typename P21::first , typename P21::second , map21< P0,P1,P2,P3,P4,P5,P6,P7,P8,P9,P10,P11,P12,P13,P14,P15,P16,P17,P18,P19,P20 > > { typedef map22 type; }; template<> struct m_at_impl<22> { template< typename Map > struct result_ { typedef typename Map::item22 type; }; }; template<> struct m_item_impl<23> { template< typename Key, typename T, typename Base > struct result_ : m_item_< Key,T,Base > { typedef pair< Key,T > item22; }; }; template< typename P0, typename P1, typename P2, typename P3, typename P4 , typename P5, typename P6, typename P7, typename P8, typename P9 , typename P10, typename P11, typename P12, typename P13, typename P14 , typename P15, typename P16, typename P17, typename P18, typename P19 , typename P20, typename P21, typename P22 > struct map23 : m_item< 23 , typename P22::first , typename P22::second , map22< P0,P1,P2,P3,P4,P5,P6,P7,P8,P9,P10,P11,P12,P13,P14,P15,P16,P17,P18,P19,P20,P21 > > { typedef map23 type; }; template<> struct m_at_impl<23> { template< typename Map > struct result_ { typedef typename Map::item23 type; }; }; template<> struct m_item_impl<24> { template< typename Key, typename T, typename Base > struct result_ : m_item_< Key,T,Base > { typedef pair< Key,T > item23; }; }; template< typename P0, typename P1, typename P2, typename P3, typename P4 , typename P5, typename P6, typename P7, typename P8, typename P9 , typename P10, typename P11, typename P12, typename P13, typename P14 , typename P15, typename P16, typename P17, typename P18, typename P19 , typename P20, typename P21, typename P22, typename P23 > struct map24 : m_item< 24 , typename P23::first , typename P23::second , map23< P0,P1,P2,P3,P4,P5,P6,P7,P8,P9,P10,P11,P12,P13,P14,P15,P16,P17,P18,P19,P20,P21,P22 > > { typedef map24 type; }; template<> struct m_at_impl<24> { template< typename Map > struct result_ { typedef typename Map::item24 type; }; }; template<> struct m_item_impl<25> { template< typename Key, typename T, typename Base > struct result_ : m_item_< Key,T,Base > { typedef pair< Key,T > item24; }; }; template< typename P0, typename P1, typename P2, typename P3, typename P4 , typename P5, typename P6, typename P7, typename P8, typename P9 , typename P10, typename P11, typename P12, typename P13, typename P14 , typename P15, typename P16, typename P17, typename P18, typename P19 , typename P20, typename P21, typename P22, typename P23, typename P24 > struct map25 : m_item< 25 , typename P24::first , typename P24::second , map24< P0,P1,P2,P3,P4,P5,P6,P7,P8,P9,P10,P11,P12,P13,P14,P15,P16,P17,P18,P19,P20,P21,P22,P23 > > { typedef map25 type; }; template<> struct m_at_impl<25> { template< typename Map > struct result_ { typedef typename Map::item25 type; }; }; template<> struct m_item_impl<26> { template< typename Key, typename T, typename Base > struct result_ : m_item_< Key,T,Base > { typedef pair< Key,T > item25; }; }; template< typename P0, typename P1, typename P2, typename P3, typename P4 , typename P5, typename P6, typename P7, typename P8, typename P9 , typename P10, typename P11, typename P12, typename P13, typename P14 , typename P15, typename P16, typename P17, typename P18, typename P19 , typename P20, typename P21, typename P22, typename P23, typename P24 , typename P25 > struct map26 : m_item< 26 , typename P25::first , typename P25::second , map25< P0,P1,P2,P3,P4,P5,P6,P7,P8,P9,P10,P11,P12,P13,P14,P15,P16,P17,P18,P19,P20,P21,P22,P23,P24 > > { typedef map26 type; }; template<> struct m_at_impl<26> { template< typename Map > struct result_ { typedef typename Map::item26 type; }; }; template<> struct m_item_impl<27> { template< typename Key, typename T, typename Base > struct result_ : m_item_< Key,T,Base > { typedef pair< Key,T > item26; }; }; template< typename P0, typename P1, typename P2, typename P3, typename P4 , typename P5, typename P6, typename P7, typename P8, typename P9 , typename P10, typename P11, typename P12, typename P13, typename P14 , typename P15, typename P16, typename P17, typename P18, typename P19 , typename P20, typename P21, typename P22, typename P23, typename P24 , typename P25, typename P26 > struct map27 : m_item< 27 , typename P26::first , typename P26::second , map26< P0,P1,P2,P3,P4,P5,P6,P7,P8,P9,P10,P11,P12,P13,P14,P15,P16,P17,P18,P19,P20,P21,P22,P23,P24,P25 > > { typedef map27 type; }; template<> struct m_at_impl<27> { template< typename Map > struct result_ { typedef typename Map::item27 type; }; }; template<> struct m_item_impl<28> { template< typename Key, typename T, typename Base > struct result_ : m_item_< Key,T,Base > { typedef pair< Key,T > item27; }; }; template< typename P0, typename P1, typename P2, typename P3, typename P4 , typename P5, typename P6, typename P7, typename P8, typename P9 , typename P10, typename P11, typename P12, typename P13, typename P14 , typename P15, typename P16, typename P17, typename P18, typename P19 , typename P20, typename P21, typename P22, typename P23, typename P24 , typename P25, typename P26, typename P27 > struct map28 : m_item< 28 , typename P27::first , typename P27::second , map27< P0,P1,P2,P3,P4,P5,P6,P7,P8,P9,P10,P11,P12,P13,P14,P15,P16,P17,P18,P19,P20,P21,P22,P23,P24,P25,P26 > > { typedef map28 type; }; template<> struct m_at_impl<28> { template< typename Map > struct result_ { typedef typename Map::item28 type; }; }; template<> struct m_item_impl<29> { template< typename Key, typename T, typename Base > struct result_ : m_item_< Key,T,Base > { typedef pair< Key,T > item28; }; }; template< typename P0, typename P1, typename P2, typename P3, typename P4 , typename P5, typename P6, typename P7, typename P8, typename P9 , typename P10, typename P11, typename P12, typename P13, typename P14 , typename P15, typename P16, typename P17, typename P18, typename P19 , typename P20, typename P21, typename P22, typename P23, typename P24 , typename P25, typename P26, typename P27, typename P28 > struct map29 : m_item< 29 , typename P28::first , typename P28::second , map28< P0,P1,P2,P3,P4,P5,P6,P7,P8,P9,P10,P11,P12,P13,P14,P15,P16,P17,P18,P19,P20,P21,P22,P23,P24,P25,P26,P27 > > { typedef map29 type; }; template<> struct m_at_impl<29> { template< typename Map > struct result_ { typedef typename Map::item29 type; }; }; template<> struct m_item_impl<30> { template< typename Key, typename T, typename Base > struct result_ : m_item_< Key,T,Base > { typedef pair< Key,T > item29; }; }; template< typename P0, typename P1, typename P2, typename P3, typename P4 , typename P5, typename P6, typename P7, typename P8, typename P9 , typename P10, typename P11, typename P12, typename P13, typename P14 , typename P15, typename P16, typename P17, typename P18, typename P19 , typename P20, typename P21, typename P22, typename P23, typename P24 , typename P25, typename P26, typename P27, typename P28, typename P29 > struct map30 : m_item< 30 , typename P29::first , typename P29::second , map29< P0,P1,P2,P3,P4,P5,P6,P7,P8,P9,P10,P11,P12,P13,P14,P15,P16,P17,P18,P19,P20,P21,P22,P23,P24,P25,P26,P27,P28 > > { typedef map30 type; }; }}
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