User: folsomrose - 6/25/2007 4:38:02 PM
User: DriveHQ Webmaster - 6/23/2007 4:01:18 PM
Please note should have never been listed as a phishing website as it cannot do any harm to users' computers. The problem was caused by some bad users who create phishing web page and hos
More... We are still getting the McAfee message and we can't seem to get past it.
Well, it might take them a while to remove it. Please note is completely safe. As a general guideline, if you see is displaying something unrelated with DriveHQ, then it could be a phishing web page.
Also note we offer web hosting service; so you might see a page with URL like:
DriveHQ cannot guaranttee the content of these web pages. However, if you believe the content is inapproriate, please report to us and we will take actions very quickly.