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I noticed that in my online DriveHQ Storage that it says I have used 1.91/2.00GB of my available space; however, when I open DriveHQ file manager and select all the files and folders in "My Storage", and click properites the size of everything is only 1.08GB.  

Why dose the site indicate a different ammount of used storage?

Also I tried sending an e-mail to support and recieved and undeliverable response.  I'm not sure if this is because of my works server, or because of yours.


Thanks for any help you can provide.




4/11/2012 7:43:15 AM

Sorry for the problem. It was caused by a bug in our system, which affected a very small percentage of users. The problem has been fixed now.

Regarding undelivered emails, it is probably caused by our spam filter. Please understand that our support team receives too many spam emails everyday so we have to turn on the spam filter. In your email is rejected, please send the bounced email to drivehqsupport @ gmail.com. It contains detailed error messages. We can then add your email server to our white list.

4/11/2012 3:47:47 PM

Hi, webmaster.
I've got the same problem now. The account balance says I've used already 92% ("Storage: used 5.52 GB/total 6.00 GB"), but all the folders together weigh at least 2 GB. Meanwhile, I saw that the Recicle bin every time shows 3.58 GB, being empty.


5/7/2012 11:48:09 PM

Sorry for the problem. It was caused by the same bug. It had been fixed, but might still affect a few users. I have fixed it for you.

5/8/2012 12:03:30 AM

Yes, I've seen already. Thank you a lot. Exellent service!


5/8/2012 12:41:10 AM

I encounter problem in open my drivehq file from my destop.Kindly please rectify this problem.

6/4/2012 12:06:03 AM

Please send more details of the problem to support@drivehq.com and we'll further assist you.

6/4/2012 4:38:27 PM

User: DriveHQSupport  -  5/8/2012 12:03:30 AM

Sorry for the problem. It was caused by the same bug. It had been fixed, but might still affect a few users. I have fixed it for you.

Hi, I have the same problem with my account, it says that I'm using a total of 505mb but I've already delete every file, even try to delete the Recycle Bin but the space is already been used :(

Can you help me?

6/12/2012 6:18:55 PM

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