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magazine.js - Hosted on DriveHQ Cloud IT Platform
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/* * Magazine sample */ function addPage(page, book) { var id, pages = book.turn('pages'); // Create a new element for this page var element = $('
', {}); // Add the page to the flipbook if (book.turn('addPage', element, page)) { // Add the initial HTML // It will contain a loader indicator and a gradient element.html('
'); // Load the page loadPage(page, element); } } function loadPage(page, pageElement) { // Create an image element var img = $('
'); img.mousedown(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); }); img.load(function() { // Set the size $(this).css({width: '100%', height: '100%'}); // Add the image to the page after loaded $(this).appendTo(pageElement); // Remove the loader indicator pageElement.find('.loader').remove(); }); // Load the page img.attr('src', 'pages/' + page + '.jpg'); loadRegions(page, pageElement); } // Zoom in / Zoom out function zoomTo(event) { setTimeout(function() { if ($('.magazine-viewport').data().regionClicked) { $('.magazine-viewport').data().regionClicked = false; } else { if ($('.magazine-viewport').zoom('value')==1) { $('.magazine-viewport').zoom('zoomIn', event); } else { $('.magazine-viewport').zoom('zoomOut'); } } }, 1); } // Load regions function loadRegions(page, element) { $.getJSON('pages/'+page+'-regions.json'). done(function(data) { $.each(data, function(key, region) { addRegion(region, element); }); }); } // Add region function addRegion(region, pageElement) { var reg = $('
', {'class': 'region ' + region['class']}), options = $('.magazine').turn('options'), pageWidth = options.width/2, pageHeight = options.height; reg.css({ top: Math.round(region.y/pageHeight*100)+'%', left: Math.round(region.x/pageWidth*100)+'%', width: Math.round(region.width/pageWidth*100)+'%', height: Math.round(region.height/pageHeight*100)+'%' }).attr('region-data', $.param(region.data||'')); reg.appendTo(pageElement); } // Process click on a region function regionClick(event) { var region = $(event.target); if (region.hasClass('region')) { $('.magazine-viewport').data().regionClicked = true; setTimeout(function() { $('.magazine-viewport').data().regionClicked = false; }, 100); var regionType = $.trim(region.attr('class').replace('region', '')); return processRegion(region, regionType); } } // Process the data of every region function processRegion(region, regionType) { data = decodeParams(region.attr('region-data')); switch (regionType) { case 'link' : window.open(data.url); break; case 'zoom' : var regionOffset = region.offset(), viewportOffset = $('.magazine-viewport').offset(), pos = { x: regionOffset.left-viewportOffset.left, y: regionOffset.top-viewportOffset.top }; $('.magazine-viewport').zoom('zoomIn', pos); break; case 'to-page' : $('.magazine').turn('page', data.page); break; } } // Load large page function loadLargePage(page, pageElement) { var img = $('
'); img.load(function() { var prevImg = pageElement.find('img'); $(this).css({width: '100%', height: '100%'}); $(this).appendTo(pageElement); prevImg.remove(); }); // Loadnew page img.attr('src', 'pages/' + page + '-large.jpg'); } // Load small page function loadSmallPage(page, pageElement) { var img = pageElement.find('img'); img.css({width: '100%', height: '100%'}); img.unbind('load'); // Loadnew page img.attr('src', 'pages/' + page + '.jpg'); } // http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=128488 function isChrome() { return navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Chrome')!=-1; } function disableControls(page) { if (page==1) $('.previous-button').hide(); else $('.previous-button').show(); if (page==$('.magazine').turn('pages')) $('.next-button').hide(); else $('.next-button').show(); } // Set the width and height for the viewport function resizeViewport() { var width = $(window).width(), height = $(window).height(), options = $('.magazine').turn('options'); $('.magazine').removeClass('animated'); $('.magazine-viewport').css({ width: width, height: height }). zoom('resize'); if ($('.magazine').turn('zoom')==1) { var bound = calculateBound({ width: options.width, height: options.height, boundWidth: Math.min(options.width, width), boundHeight: Math.min(options.height, height) }); if (bound.width%2!==0) bound.width-=1; if (bound.width!=$('.magazine').width() || bound.height!=$('.magazine').height()) { $('.magazine').turn('size', bound.width, bound.height); if ($('.magazine').turn('page')==1) $('.magazine').turn('peel', 'br'); $('.next-button').css({height: bound.height, backgroundPosition: '-38px '+(bound.height/2-32/2)+'px'}); $('.previous-button').css({height: bound.height, backgroundPosition: '-4px '+(bound.height/2-32/2)+'px'}); } $('.magazine').css({top: -bound.height/2, left: -bound.width/2}); } var magazineOffset = $('.magazine').offset(), boundH = height - magazineOffset.top - $('.magazine').height(), marginTop = (boundH - $('.thumbnails > div').height()) / 2; if (marginTop<0) { $('.thumbnails').css({height:1}); } else { $('.thumbnails').css({height: boundH}); $('.thumbnails > div').css({marginTop: marginTop}); } if (magazineOffset.top<$('.made').height()) $('.made').hide(); else $('.made').show(); $('.magazine').addClass('animated'); } // Number of views in a flipbook function numberOfViews(book) { return book.turn('pages') / 2 + 1; } // Current view in a flipbook function getViewNumber(book, page) { return parseInt((page || book.turn('page'))/2 + 1, 10); } function moveBar(yes) { if (Modernizr && Modernizr.csstransforms) { $('#slider .ui-slider-handle').css({zIndex: yes ? -1 : 10000}); } } function setPreview(view) { var previewWidth = 112, previewHeight = 73, previewSrc = 'pages/preview.jpg', preview = $(_thumbPreview.children(':first')), numPages = (view==1 || view==$('#slider').slider('option', 'max')) ? 1 : 2, width = (numPages==1) ? previewWidth/2 : previewWidth; _thumbPreview. addClass('no-transition'). css({width: width + 15, height: previewHeight + 15, top: -previewHeight - 30, left: ($($('#slider').children(':first')).width() - width - 15)/2 }); preview.css({ width: width, height: previewHeight }); if (preview.css('background-image')==='' || preview.css('background-image')=='none') { preview.css({backgroundImage: 'url(' + previewSrc + ')'}); setTimeout(function(){ _thumbPreview.removeClass('no-transition'); }, 0); } preview.css({backgroundPosition: '0px -'+((view-1)*previewHeight)+'px' }); } // Width of the flipbook when zoomed in function largeMagazineWidth() { return 2214; } // decode URL Parameters function decodeParams(data) { var parts = data.split('&'), d, obj = {}; for (var i =0; i
d.boundWidth || bound.height>d.boundHeight) { var rel = bound.width/bound.height; if (d.boundWidth/rel>d.boundHeight && d.boundHeight*rel<=d.boundWidth) { bound.width = Math.round(d.boundHeight*rel); bound.height = d.boundHeight; } else { bound.width = d.boundWidth; bound.height = Math.round(d.boundWidth/rel); } } return bound; }
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