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CEGUIFrameWindowProperties.h - Hosted on DriveHQ Cloud IT Platform
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Ruta de la carpeta: \\game3dprogramming\materials\GameFactory\GameFactoryDemo\references\ogre\include\CEGUI\elements\CEGUIFrameWindowProperties.h
/*********************************************************************** filename: CEGUIFrameWindowProperties.h created: 10/7/2004 author: Paul D Turner purpose: Interface to properties for FrameWIndow class *************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2004 - 2006 Paul D Turner & The CEGUI Development Team * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to * the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR * OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, * ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR * OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ***************************************************************************/ #ifndef _CEGUIFrameWindowProperties_h_ #define _CEGUIFrameWindowProperties_h_ #include "CEGUIProperty.h" // Start of CEGUI namespace section namespace CEGUI { // Start of FrameWindowProperties namespace section /*! \brief Namespace containing all classes that make up the properties interface for the FrameWindow class */ namespace FrameWindowProperties { /*! \brief Property to access the state of the sizable setting for the FrameWindow. \par Usage: - Name: SizingEnabled - Format: "[text]". \par Where [Text] is: - "True" to indicate the window will be user re-sizable. - "False" to indicate the window will not be re-sizable by the user. */ class SizingEnabled : public Property { public: SizingEnabled() : Property( "SizingEnabled", "Property to get/set the state of the sizable setting for the FrameWindow. Value is either \"True\" or \"False\".", "True") {} String get(const PropertyReceiver* receiver) const; void set(PropertyReceiver* receiver, const String& value); }; /*! \brief Property to access the setting for whether the window frame will be displayed. \par Usage: - Name: FrameEnabled - Format: "[text]". \par Where [Text] is: - "True" to indicate the windows frame should be displayed. - "False" to indicate the windows frame should not be displayed. */ class FrameEnabled : public Property { public: FrameEnabled() : Property( "FrameEnabled", "Property to get/set the setting for whether the window frame will be displayed. Value is either \"True\" or \"False\".", "True") {} String get(const PropertyReceiver* receiver) const; void set(PropertyReceiver* receiver, const String& value); }; /*! \brief Property to access the setting for whether the window title-bar will be enabled (or displayed depending upon choice of final widget type). \par Usage: - Name: TitlebarEnabled - Format: "[text]". \par Where [Text] is: - "True" to indicate the windows title bar should be enabled (and/or visible) - "False" to indicate the windows title bar should be disabled (and/or hidden) */ class TitlebarEnabled : public Property { public: TitlebarEnabled() : Property( "TitlebarEnabled", "Property to get/set the setting for whether the window title-bar will be enabled (or displayed depending upon choice of final widget type). Value is either \"True\" or \"False\".", "") {} String get(const PropertyReceiver* receiver) const; void set(PropertyReceiver* receiver, const String& value); }; /*! \brief Property to access the setting for whether the window close button will be enabled (or displayed depending upon choice of final widget type). \par Usage: - Name: CloseButtonEnabled - Format: "[text]". \par Where [Text] is: - "True" to indicate the windows close button should be enabled (and/or visible) - "False" to indicate the windows close button should be disabled (and/or hidden) */ class CloseButtonEnabled : public Property { public: CloseButtonEnabled() : Property( "CloseButtonEnabled", "Property to get/set the setting for whether the window close button will be enabled (or displayed depending upon choice of final widget type). Value is either \"True\" or \"False\".", "True") {} String get(const PropertyReceiver* receiver) const; void set(PropertyReceiver* receiver, const String& value); }; /*! \brief Property to access the setting for whether the user is able to roll-up / shade the window. \par Usage: - Name: RollUpEnabled - Format: "[text]". \par Where [Text] is: - "True" to indicate the user can roll-up / shade the window. - "False" to indicate the user can not roll-up / shade the window. */ class RollUpEnabled : public Property { public: RollUpEnabled() : Property( "RollUpEnabled", "Property to get/set the setting for whether the user is able to roll-up / shade the window. Value is either \"True\" or \"False\".", "True") {} String get(const PropertyReceiver* receiver) const; void set(PropertyReceiver* receiver, const String& value); }; /*! \brief Property to access the roll-up / shade state of the window. \par Usage: - Name: RollUpState - Format: "[text]". \par Where [Text] is: - "True" to indicate the window is / should be rolled-up. - "False" to indicate the window is not / should not be rolled up */ class RollUpState : public Property { public: RollUpState() : Property( "RollUpState", "Property to get/set the roll-up / shade state of the window. Value is either \"True\" or \"False\".", "False") {} String get(const PropertyReceiver* receiver) const; void set(PropertyReceiver* receiver, const String& value); }; /*! \brief Property to access the setting for whether the user may drag the window around by its title bar. \par Usage: - Name: DragMovingEnabled - Format: "[text]". \par Where [Text] is: - "True" to indicate the window may be repositioned by the user via dragging. - "False" to indicate the window may not be repositioned by the user. */ class DragMovingEnabled : public Property { public: DragMovingEnabled() : Property( "DragMovingEnabled", "Property to get/set the setting for whether the user may drag the window around by its title bar. Value is either \"True\" or \"False\".", "True") {} String get(const PropertyReceiver* receiver) const; void set(PropertyReceiver* receiver, const String& value); }; /*! \brief Property to access the setting for the sizing border thickness. \par Usage: - Name: SizingBorderThickness - Format: "[float]". \par Where: - [float] is the size of the invisible sizing border in screen pixels. */ class SizingBorderThickness : public Property { public: SizingBorderThickness() : Property( "SizingBorderThickness", "Property to get/set the setting for the sizing border thickness. Value is a float specifying the border thickness in pixels.", "8") {} String get(const PropertyReceiver* receiver) const; void set(PropertyReceiver* receiver, const String& value); }; /*! \brief Property to access the N-S (up-down) sizing cursor image \par Usage: - Name: NSSizingCursorImage - Format: "set:
". */ class NSSizingCursorImage : public Property { public: NSSizingCursorImage() : Property( "NSSizingCursorImage", "Property to get/set the N-S (up-down) sizing cursor image for the FramwWindow. Value should be \"set:[imageset name] image:[image name]\".", "") {} String get(const PropertyReceiver* receiver) const; void set(PropertyReceiver* receiver, const String& value); }; /*! \brief Property to access the E-W (left/right) sizing cursor image \par Usage: - Name: EWSizingCursorImage - Format: "set:
". */ class EWSizingCursorImage : public Property { public: EWSizingCursorImage() : Property( "EWSizingCursorImage", "Property to get/set the E-W (left-right) sizing cursor image for the FramwWindow. Value should be \"set:[imageset name] image:[image name]\".", "") {} String get(const PropertyReceiver* receiver) const; void set(PropertyReceiver* receiver, const String& value); }; /*! \brief Property to access the NW-SE diagonal sizing cursor image \par Usage: - Name: NWSESizingCursorImage - Format: "set:
". */ class NWSESizingCursorImage : public Property { public: NWSESizingCursorImage() : Property( "NWSESizingCursorImage", "Property to get/set the NW-SE diagonal sizing cursor image for the FramwWindow. Value should be \"set:[imageset name] image:[image name]\".", "") {} String get(const PropertyReceiver* receiver) const; void set(PropertyReceiver* receiver, const String& value); }; /*! \brief Property to access the NE-SW diagonal sizing cursor image \par Usage: - Name: NESWSizingCursorImage - Format: "set:
". */ class NESWSizingCursorImage : public Property { public: NESWSizingCursorImage() : Property( "NESWSizingCursorImage", "Property to get/set the NE-SW diagonal sizing cursor image for the FramwWindow. Value should be \"set:[imageset name] image:[image name]\".", "") {} String get(const PropertyReceiver* receiver) const; void set(PropertyReceiver* receiver, const String& value); }; } // End of FrameWindowProperties namespace section } // End of CEGUI namespace section #endif // end of guard _CEGUIFrameWindowProperties_h_
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