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btQuickprof.cpp - Hosted on DriveHQ Cloud IT Platform
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/* /*************************************************************************************************** ** ** profile.cpp ** ** Real-Time Hierarchical Profiling for Game Programming Gems 3 ** ** by Greg Hjelstrom & Byon Garrabrant ** ***************************************************************************************************/ // Credits: The Clock class was inspired by the Timer classes in // Ogre (www.ogre3d.org). #include "LinearMath/btQuickprof.h" #ifdef USE_BT_CLOCK static btClock gProfileClock; inline void Profile_Get_Ticks(unsigned long int * ticks) { *ticks = gProfileClock.getTimeMicroseconds(); } inline float Profile_Get_Tick_Rate(void) { // return 1000000.f; return 1000.f; } /*************************************************************************************************** ** ** CProfileNode ** ***************************************************************************************************/ /*********************************************************************************************** * INPUT: * * name - pointer to a static string which is the name of this profile node * * parent - parent pointer * * * * WARNINGS: * * The name is assumed to be a static pointer, only the pointer is stored and compared for * * efficiency reasons. * *=============================================================================================*/ CProfileNode::CProfileNode( const char * name, CProfileNode * parent ) : Name( name ), TotalCalls( 0 ), TotalTime( 0 ), StartTime( 0 ), RecursionCounter( 0 ), Parent( parent ), Child( NULL ), Sibling( NULL ) { Reset(); } CProfileNode::~CProfileNode( void ) { delete Child; delete Sibling; } /*********************************************************************************************** * INPUT: * * name - static string pointer to the name of the node we are searching for * * * * WARNINGS: * * All profile names are assumed to be static strings so this function uses pointer compares * * to find the named node. * *=============================================================================================*/ CProfileNode * CProfileNode::Get_Sub_Node( const char * name ) { // Try to find this sub node CProfileNode * child = Child; while ( child ) { if ( child->Name == name ) { return child; } child = child->Sibling; } // We didn't find it, so add it CProfileNode * node = new CProfileNode( name, this ); node->Sibling = Child; Child = node; return node; } void CProfileNode::Reset( void ) { TotalCalls = 0; TotalTime = 0.0f; gProfileClock.reset(); if ( Child ) { Child->Reset(); } if ( Sibling ) { Sibling->Reset(); } } void CProfileNode::Call( void ) { TotalCalls++; if (RecursionCounter++ == 0) { Profile_Get_Ticks(&StartTime); } } bool CProfileNode::Return( void ) { if ( --RecursionCounter == 0 && TotalCalls != 0 ) { unsigned long int time; Profile_Get_Ticks(&time); time-=StartTime; TotalTime += (float)time / Profile_Get_Tick_Rate(); } return ( RecursionCounter == 0 ); } /*************************************************************************************************** ** ** CProfileIterator ** ***************************************************************************************************/ CProfileIterator::CProfileIterator( CProfileNode * start ) { CurrentParent = start; CurrentChild = CurrentParent->Get_Child(); } void CProfileIterator::First(void) { CurrentChild = CurrentParent->Get_Child(); } void CProfileIterator::Next(void) { CurrentChild = CurrentChild->Get_Sibling(); } bool CProfileIterator::Is_Done(void) { return CurrentChild == NULL; } void CProfileIterator::Enter_Child( int index ) { CurrentChild = CurrentParent->Get_Child(); while ( (CurrentChild != NULL) && (index != 0) ) { index--; CurrentChild = CurrentChild->Get_Sibling(); } if ( CurrentChild != NULL ) { CurrentParent = CurrentChild; CurrentChild = CurrentParent->Get_Child(); } } void CProfileIterator::Enter_Parent( void ) { if ( CurrentParent->Get_Parent() != NULL ) { CurrentParent = CurrentParent->Get_Parent(); } CurrentChild = CurrentParent->Get_Child(); } /*************************************************************************************************** ** ** CProfileManager ** ***************************************************************************************************/ CProfileNode CProfileManager::Root( "Root", NULL ); CProfileNode * CProfileManager::CurrentNode = &CProfileManager::Root; int CProfileManager::FrameCounter = 0; unsigned long int CProfileManager::ResetTime = 0; /*********************************************************************************************** * CProfileManager::Start_Profile -- Begin a named profile * * * * Steps one level deeper into the tree, if a child already exists with the specified name * * then it accumulates the profiling; otherwise a new child node is added to the profile tree. * * * * INPUT: * * name - name of this profiling record * * * * WARNINGS: * * The string used is assumed to be a static string; pointer compares are used throughout * * the profiling code for efficiency. * *=============================================================================================*/ void CProfileManager::Start_Profile( const char * name ) { if (name != CurrentNode->Get_Name()) { CurrentNode = CurrentNode->Get_Sub_Node( name ); } CurrentNode->Call(); } /*********************************************************************************************** * CProfileManager::Stop_Profile -- Stop timing and record the results. * *=============================================================================================*/ void CProfileManager::Stop_Profile( void ) { // Return will indicate whether we should back up to our parent (we may // be profiling a recursive function) if (CurrentNode->Return()) { CurrentNode = CurrentNode->Get_Parent(); } } /*********************************************************************************************** * CProfileManager::Reset -- Reset the contents of the profiling system * * * * This resets everything except for the tree structure. All of the timing data is reset. * *=============================================================================================*/ void CProfileManager::Reset( void ) { Root.Reset(); Root.Call(); FrameCounter = 0; Profile_Get_Ticks(&ResetTime); } /*********************************************************************************************** * CProfileManager::Increment_Frame_Counter -- Increment the frame counter * *=============================================================================================*/ void CProfileManager::Increment_Frame_Counter( void ) { FrameCounter++; } /*********************************************************************************************** * CProfileManager::Get_Time_Since_Reset -- returns the elapsed time since last reset * *=============================================================================================*/ float CProfileManager::Get_Time_Since_Reset( void ) { unsigned long int time; Profile_Get_Ticks(&time); time -= ResetTime; return (float)time / Profile_Get_Tick_Rate(); } #endif //USE_BT_CLOCK
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