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I am Jigar Shah from India.
I want to achieve some functionality using DriveHQ. I have mentioned all my requirements below.
Please let me know whether it is possible to achieve below things and How?
1. I want to store an application using drive hq on .
2. Then want to install that application in storage drive.
3. Then want to map that storage drive with my local machine drive so I can access that as local drive.
4. Now I want to run installed application. But it should use drive storage not my machine's storage.
I want all above steps to be done programmatically i.e. by API.
In addition to the above description, I would like to give you my exact use case which is below.

I have an application which I want to encrypt and allow the user to use it only from my client manager. Client Manager is the desktop application created by me. So, what I want to do is that when the user purchases the application, my server side service will create a folder on the cloud and give access to that folder to the user.

Then, the client manager will map a drive to that folder on the cloud and install the application on that same mapped drive which will point to the folder in the cloud storage so that when the user wants to launch the application, it would seem that the application is running on his hard disk. i.e. I must be able to install application on the cloud not only store.

However, the user will not be using the disk space for the application and the client manager will be able to launch the application from that location.

Hope I have given more clarity through the use case. Hoping for you favorable and quick reply.
My questions are:
1. is there any API available to do all above things using that? I don't want anything to be done manually but through API.
2. I want to use Java to achieve all above steps i.e. API should be in Java only.
Thanks in Advance

4/28/2013 7:57:48 AM

>>> I want to achieve some functionality using DriveHQ. I have mentioned all my requirements below. Please let me know whether it is possible to achieve below things and How?
1.     I want to store an application in DriveHQ storage.
You can store any file types (incl. program files) in DriveHQ cloud storage.
2.     Then want to install that application in storage drive.
If you use our Enterprise WebDAV Drive Mapping service, you can install an application in the WebDAV drive (just like a local drive). Please note a WebDAV drive is less reliable and efficient than a local drive. If your Internet connection is interrupted, then the drive will become inaccessible.
3.     Then want to map that storage drive with my local machine drive so I can access that as local drive.
Yes, it is supported.
4.     Now I want to run installed application. But it should use drive storage not my machine's storage.
Yes, you can launch an application from the cloud drive. Please note the application will run on your local computer.
I want all above steps to be done programmatically i.e. by API.
We are not very sure about your requirements. Please tell us more detailed information about your API requirements.
Without fully understanding your requirements, I think:
-          You can use our user management API to create and manage user accounts;
-          You can upload files to your DriveHQ account using FTP, WebDAV or DriveHQ’s proprietary APIs.
-          You can map a cloud drive to the DriveHQ cloud storage; (You can map a drive to a specific cloud folder)
-          You can double click an EXE file in your cloud drive to run the program.
In addition to the above description, I would like to give you my exact use case which is below.
I have an application which I want to encrypt and allow the user to use it only from my client manager. Client Manager is the desktop application created by me. So, what I want to do is that when the user purchases the application, my server side service will create a folder on the cloud and give access to that folder to the user.Then, the client manager will map a drive to that folder on the cloud and install the application on that same mapped drive which will point to the folder in the cloud storage so that when the user wants to launch the application, it would seem that the application is running on his hard disk. i.e. I must be able to install application on the cloud not only store. However, the user will not be using the disk space for the application and the client manager will be able to launch the application from that location.
You can use our User Management API to create a new user account, then use the File Sharing API to share a folder to the user; then use the WebDAV API to create a secure WebDAV URL for the user. The user can then use the secure WebDAV URL to map a drive to the shared folder.
If your application does not require an installer, then it will be extremely easy. You just need to copy your application files to the shared folder. Otherwise, the user must map the drive first and then run the installer on his computer, and install the app to the mapped drive.
If your users need to map a drive by themselves, we have a GUI-based drive mapping tool.
Hope I have given more clarity through the use case. Hoping for you favorable and quick reply.
My questions are:
1.     is there any API available to do all above things using that? I don't want anything to be done manually but through API.
DriveHQ has a lot of APIs covering:
-          User & Group Management API;
-          File & Folder Management API;
-          Share & Publish Management API ;
-          Drop Box Management API;
-          Single Sign-On (SSO) API;
-          Order/Subscription & Storage Allocation API;
Moreover, because we support the standard FTP and WebDAV (SMTP, POP and IMAP) protocols, you can also use the standard FTP or WebDAV API to manage your files and folders.
Regular premium users can only use the standard FTP and WebDAV API. Because the FTP and WebDAV protocols are standard, you don’t need any support from DriveHQ for that. Other APIs are only offered to certain resellers, partners and enterprise customers.
2.     I want to use Java to achieve all above steps i.e. API should be in Java only.
Our APIs are not dependent on any particular programming language. They are web-based (HTTP/HTTPS-based). To give you an example, if you want to logon DriveHQ using our API, you will send an HTTP request like:
The server will send a response with the status code, status message and logon session ID.
I am not sure what is the right partnership model. We have enterprise service, which is designed for large corporations; we also have co-branded and white label reseller programs, which are designed for cloud storage, backup and IT service resellers. Your model seems to be new. It is like an Enterprise service; but do you need additional customization, branding or integration?
Without customization/integration, our pricing is dependent on your amount of storage space and number of user licenses. We don’t charge computer licenses or server licenses. You can use our service on any number of computers for no extra charges. Our user licenses are priced extremely low at only $0.6/user/month. In your case, we might waive user licenses if you order a bulk amount of storage space. If you commit over 5-10TB, our unit price quickly drops and we can beat Amazon’s price by more than 50%.

4/29/2013 5:37:08 PM

We are using pro ftp.DriveHQ.com for our sftp and need to be able to connect and upload files via an api. Do you have an api for this?

6/21/2023 4:41:03 PM

If you use our FTP/SFTP server hosting service, please note the FTP and SFTP protocols are open-standard based. It means you don't need a special API from DriveHQ. You can use any regular FTP/SFTP library, or any FTP/SFTP software to connect to our FTP/SFTP server.

The FTP/SFTP server hosting service is a business feature. DriveHQ offers limited free FTP (and FTPS) trial to free/personal service members. For SFTP, you can sign up for a free business trial, or order a monthly business subscription, which you can cancel it online easily.

DriveHQ Cloud FTP/SFTP Server is integrated with our cloud IT service. It has a lot more advanced features and is far easier to setup and manage than a regular FTP/SFTP server. For detailed information, please watch this step-by-step tutorial video:


6/21/2023 5:18:09 PM

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