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File Manger halts syncing after running for 20 0r 30 days.  App does not crash, but several Error Dialog boxes appear on screen. (10 to 20. May be more depending on how soon someone notices that their files aren't being synchronized).

Error dialog is.   "A Required Resource is Missing" No further information given (Same with all subsequent dialog boxes that keeps popping up). Once clicking "OK" on each of the dialogs, I can re-start synchronizing again and seems to run for another 20 to 30 days before it happens again.

This is a dedicated PC for the sole purpose of Running DriveHQ filemanger to keep cloud drive and a local Share drive in Sync. This has happened with two previous versions of DriveHQ file manager software as well.

Sync Log shows no errors. But synchronizing is no longer working when these "Pop-Up Error dialogs" are present.  However the two arrow Icons that turns in a circle (on bottom right corner of FIlemanger window) continues turning as if files are being synchronized but they actually are not. Only way I find out when this has happened is when end users starts screaming that their files are not being synchronized. Then when I log on to the PC, I see these error dialogs from DriveHQ filemanager. There are no other error information given (i.e. Error #'s, Missing Resource Name etc.) on these dialog boxes besides the message "A required Resource is Missing" with a red "X" icon on the dialog box. These dialog boxes keeps popping up and stacking on top of each other. PC has plenty of Memory and enough processing power to handle this sync task. As I mentioned earlier, nothing else is running on this PC which is powered up 24/7 with all power save functions disabled. Unless these dialog boxes are cleared they continue keep stacking  one on top of the other.  At one time, I had to clear out over 30 Dialog boxes.  I if I were to guess, I would think that should this happen on a weekend (where end users are not using Cloud files and not notice that files are not being synchronized), possibility exists that there could be be 100's of these dialog boxes stacking on top of each other until system eventually runs out of memory and crashes.

Current DriveHQ File Manger is.......

Version 6.0 Build(988 32-Bit)


Any Idea as to what might be is causing this?




11/11/2015 11:25:28 AM

This is very odd, we have never seen this error message before. I do notice you have a lot of data to sync, and this is a 32-bit version running on Windows XP.

Since Microsoft has stopped supporting Windows XP for over a year, and most other companies have stopped supporting Windows XP, we are also gradually ending our support for XP. If a problem can be quickly duplicated on XP, we will try our best to help you. However, if it takes weeks to be duplicated, it is not feasible for us to continue supporting an outdated operating system. It is recommended upgrading to 64-bit Windows 7, 8.1 or Windows 10.

We do have a newer build, please feel free to try it. (Though I don't know if it fixes this problem or not)



11/18/2015 12:12:49 AM

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